Chapter 29

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(Three months later)

Loki was lying on the floor, rolled onto his stomach. He had his nose in a book and Kenna was laying next to him, reaching up and grabbing at the air. He looked over at her and smiled, tickling her belly. She turned to him, her eyes bright with a smile but her lips remaining in a little 'o'.

Having just finished my first training session with Sif, I had taken a long bath and was just trying not to collapse into an exhausted heap. I was leaning against the door, munching on a peach - well...something like a peach.

Loki looked up at me and smiled. I walked over and laid down next to him, looking over at the book. It was something about philosophy. I scanned the page, noting the margins were filled with his notes. He took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles. I smiled as he kept it close to his chest and went back to reading. I drifted in my thoughts, thinking of my plans for the rest of the day. I was going down with Thor to visit SHIELD and today was the day for our prank on Kat. I was hoping I might be able to find out how she was doing now.

Marci had gotten away for a few minutes before they left to tell me that Kat's mom had cancer and had been getting treatment. They had been waiting to see if she was in remission.They would know by now.

Loki brought me out of my thoughts when he suddenly leaned over and took a bite of my peachy thing. I glared at him. "Hey! Mine." He chuckled and rolled over me, taking the peach. I whined and tried to get it back. "Loki! Give it!" I grabbed it and curled up, trying to protect myself. He tickled me, telling me to give it back.

"No!" I cried, trying not to laugh and failing miserably. "It's mine!" I screamed, trying to fight him off. He laughed and grabbed it. A small giggle made us both freeze. We turned to Kenna. She lay on her back, staring at us with bright eyes. She smiled.

I felt like everything fell away. It was just the three of us, Loki and I staring at the little upturn of her lips. Her first laugh!

Finally, Loki moved closer to her, smirking. "Are you laughing at me, little one?" He asked quietly, his eyes shining. She grinned at him and he chuckled. She laughed, her little nose wrinkling and her eyes crinkling shut. She responded to his laugh! I jumped up from my protective fetal position and crawled over to them. Loki grinned at me, looking like the proudest father in all the universe. I grinned back and bent to Kenna.

"What's so funny, huh?" I poked her belly and her little high pitch voice rang out as she erupted into a fit of giggles. "What? Are you ticklish?" I pretended to gasp. "Ooh now I've got you!" She shook all over, giggling uncontrollably as I tickled her. Finally, I stopped and picked her up, holding her in my lap. I tapped her nose and she grinned at me. Loki sat behind me, his long legs framing mine as he wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my cheek and rested his chin on my shoulder, looking down at her. She looked up at him and then made a face, almost as if she was trying to make him laugh. It worked.

She looked back at me, her mouth falling back into her little 'o'. I smiled and turned a little to Loki. "See if she'll respond to peek-a-boo." She looked back at him as he moved and hid behind my shoulder. He popped back up and made a face and she stared at him for a second before erupting into the most adorable laughs. He did it again and she paused as he disappeared. He popped back up and she wriggled in my arms, grinning at him. She had a belly laugh and it was positively the most adorable thing ever.

The door opened to reveal a wide-eyed Thor. He stared as Loki surprised Kenna once again and then tickled her. He looked up at me. "How long has she been doing this?" He asked.

Loki looked up at him, his face bright with excitement and pride. "Just now!" Kenna craned her neck to look up at Thor. He knelt down beside us and she smiled at him, recognizing his face. She reached up and grabbed his hair, pulling. "I told you she would do that someday." Loki said smugly. Thor made a face at him and then took Kenna from me. She looked at him with wide eyes and then grinned, laughing for no reason.

We stayed on the floor for some time, just trying to see all the ways we could to amuse her. She would squeal and then laugh louder if something was especially funny. And sometimes she'd just grin and make a squeaking noise. After begging my permission, Loki picked her up in a little green bubble of energy. She pressed her hand against the wall of the bubble and then smiled. Loki let it float above him, rolling onto his back as he did. She looked down at him and then touched the wall with her finger. A purple spark shot through the energy and she came spiraling down. Loki moved to catch her but she squealed and spread her arms out. A square of energy, identical to Loki's power, only purple, spread out beneath her. She bounced on it and laughed, looking down at our terrified faces.

Loki smirked at me. "Oh, now I have to teach her." He said. I saw the fear still lingering in his eyes but she seemed just fine. She floated down and fell into his arms, grinning. He laid on his back with her, throwing tiny sparks of energy which she easily and gladly took in her hands and threw back. I rolled my eyes.

"Odin help us all." I muttered.


"This is insane!" Kat whined. I sat behind her on the bed in her quarters, smothering my laughs.

"Do it or the video goes viral!" Marci commanded.


"Sending it to Tony!"

"No, no! Okay! But why?" She groaned.

I smothered a laugh. "You'll never ask him out if we don't make you."

"Yes I will!" We both waited patiently. She sighed. "No I won't. But why today?" She demanded. "Why here? And why the hell do I have to tell him with you taping it?"

"Because it's a slow day today, Nick is totally in on it, and everyone knows you love Thor so they all want to see this." Marci explained.

Kat buried her face in her hands and groaned. "Do I have to?"

I smiled and held out Marci's phone. "No, you don't. But it's been fun watching you squirm."

She stared down at the photos. Deleting them, she sighed. "I'll tell him. But because I want to, not because you made me."

We rolled our eyes. "Sure." We nodded knowingly. She put her middle finger up and turned to the door. "Where is he?"

"Main conference room. With everyone else."

She groaned and marched out. "No taping!"

She shouted." Marci grinned at me, holding up her camera. She ran after her. I picked up Kenna and followed. Nick met us in the hallway. Kat slapped his arm. "I hate you for letting them do this to me!"

He blinked. "What am I letting anyone do?"

She turned to us but we quickly pushed her towards the conference room. "Nothing!" We shouted.

"Someone tell me why the civilian is back here?" He shouted.

"Official Asgard business!" I shouted back.

"You guys are so dead." Kat ground out. She pushed the doors open to the conference room. Tony, Bruce, and Steve looked up. Tony grinned, knowing what was coming.

She sneered at him and stopped in front of Thor. Thor smiled his usual bright smile that came when he didn't know what was going on.


"Can we talk?" She pointed towards the door. He nodded and followed her out. We closed the doors behind them and scrambled to turn on the camera feeds. Kat led him to a private room and locked the door. He watched her curiously as she shifted on her feet and fidgeted with her hands.

"Is something wrong?" He frowned.

She shook her head nervously, her cheeks alternately paling and flushing. "I um... So we've been spending a lot of time together." He nodded but said nothing, confused. "And I really um... like that."

He smiled slowly and stepped closer. "Kat..."

"No, wait! I just..." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "So we call it dating and you call it courting but anyway, I really wanna try that with you and I know your dad's a prick and he won't like it but screw him, right?" She stepped back and kept her eyes trained on the ground. "So yeah. What do you say?"

Tony snorted. "She's so romantic."

The silence extended for a long moment. Finally, Thor bent to meet Kat's eyes. She looked away again. He smiled.

"I think I would like that very much." He murmured. Her eyes widened and she looked at him finally. His smile grew and she screamed, throwing her arms around him. The conference room erupted into cheers and clapping as he kissed her. I turned the camera off and turned to find Marci fist pumping. The door opened to allow Kat and Thor back in.

"Would we ever steer you wrong?" I grinned.

Kat glared at me. "Shut up."

Marci pushed a button. Immediately a video started to play on the main screen. Kat gasped.

"You said you wouldn't play them!"

"We did." We nodded.

"But you didn't see this one. And we made no promises." Marci blocked her from the control panel as a video of Kat marching around her quarters came on. She had a black scarf tied over one eye.

"I ain't no friend o' yours, Mister Stark!" She shouted. Marci's snickering could be heard behind the camera. "Hill! Hill, where is Banner? Why can't anyone just follow my damn orders around here? I told that man to... Are you taping this?!"

"No!" Marci shouted.

The camera dropped and turned off. I laughed as immediately, Marci snatched her phone and ran from the room. Kat chased after her, shouting. Turning to Thor, I simply grinned at him.

"Yeah that's why I said we have to come visit."

He chuckled. "You're a terrible friend."

"I know."

Fix You (Loki Romance)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz