Chapter 33

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Loki bent and set Kenna down. Their eyes met for a long moment, exchanging thoughts. Finally, they both blinked, coming out of it. Kenna hugged her father, eliciting a frustrated sigh from Sigyn. Loki felt his dagger slip from its sheath and into Kenna's sleeve, unseen by anyone. She nodded and ran, leaving them alone. He turned to Ebony. "Sigyn and I need to talk." He said quietly.

She nodded, seeing the plan that had formed in those green eyes. He kept his hand hidden from Sigyn and made the symbol of binding on Mjolnir behind his back. She left to find and alert Thor. Loki turned to Sigyn as the door closed.


Sigyn smirked. "It seems you figured it out the moment I walked in the room. Clever boy."

He glowered at her. "Why are you here?"

She pouted. "You never even looked for me! I was gone for years, Loki, and you never came for me."

"Didn't I? I searched everywhere for you. I asked Heimdall to keep an eye out for you. But I have a wife and daughter; of what concern were you to me? You couldn't be found so I moved on."

"But now you know where I've been. I'm sure it all makes sense to you."

Oh yes, he knew where she'd been. He'd seen it the moment she walked in the room. That cold, mocking glint in her eyes. The fake pity. The laughter from his nightmares. The knowledge that she was hurting him but couldn't bring herself to care enough. It made his stomach turn, knowing all she'd done to him in cold blood. He glared at her, struggling to remain calm. "Why? Why would you do that to me? Because I chose her over you? Because I didn't turn to you in my hour of need? Are you really so petty?"

She snorted. "If I wanted revenge over that I'd have actually killed her. No, I am not obsessed with you like any lovesick idiot."


"Because you were my chance and you chose her instead! I grew up in the poorest fiefdom in Asgard, as the bastard daughter of the most despicable lord in the realm. I was worthless to he and my mother. Constantly demeaned, beaten, destroyed. But I came to the palace and worked my way into your life because I knew I stood a chance here. Thor wouldn't give me the time of day but I saw you." She smiled ruefully and shook her head. "I saw this ruthless determination, this detachment, this... Cold ambition and you were exactly what I needed. Together we could have succeeded, Loki.

"We could have kept Thor on Midgard and secured the throne. We could have kept Odin out and ended the war. We could have been the greatest King and Queen Asgard would ever see! But you abandoned me. And chose to destroy any chance you had for power by marrying a Midgardian. Better if you had married a tavern wench than your worthless Eb-"

The air had grown cold but she didn't notice until he struck his hand out. Water from a nearby training basin followed his movement, freezing in the air and coming to a thin point right between her eyes. Shifting forward, Loki grasped it with both hands. She smiled.

"You don't have the privilege of saying her name. Watch your tongue."

She laughed. "You threaten and promise but you've never been enough of a man to stand up and do as you please. Thanos takes what he wants and follows through on his threats. As you saw." She gestured to his leg.

With a disgusted noise, Loki threw his makeshift spear away. "I knew you were power hungry, ruthless in your pursuits, cruel even. But I never thought you would stoop to that monster's level."

Kenna's voice screamed in his mind. She's after grandma!

He lunged through Sigyn, the illusion fading away. The door flung open and he ran through the halls. He heard a scream and the clash of weapons. Thor's cry echoed through the hall. He slid into the room as Sigyn's body grew rigid.

Kenna had Sigyn on her knees, back ramrod straight and eyes staring blankly ahead. Her hands clutched at the blonde's head, glowing a deep purple, almost black. Black streaks, like drops of ink slithering through water, swirled from the edges of Sigyn's pupils, taking over the whites of her eyes.

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