Chapter 9

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Two days later, I was standing on a large balcony overlooking the palace's main courtyard. Kaldr, Petra, and I had arranged to announce our progress and plans going forward. Couriers would take the news to farther fiefs and the people in the city were welcome to listen. Odin, Frigga, Thor, and Sif joined us, standing to the side. With some reluctance, Loki joined us.

Muspelheim's mining population was well hidden and difficult to reach. They had never recovered from a genocide that had ripped through their people many years ago. They were wary of outsiders and the realm was too harsh for us. We had been forced to look elsewhere for our weapons forging plans. But Kaldr, quiet and reserved though he was, had a number of feasible ideas that had taken off quickly in the last few months.

The economy had yet to take any noticeable turns but there were small indications that things were looking up. Petra had meanwhile devised a vaccine for the virus in the water. Medical teams were traveling far and wide to deliver it and already it was dying down. Birth defects had been noted but thankfully, the infant mortality rate was dropping.

Aja and Baldr's baby was among the generation that would suffer side effects all their lives. But Unnr was strong and lively like many Asgardian children. I suspected they would find a way past their limitations.

As for me, I had passed my plan for a new educational model and Odin was reviewing it. We needed the people's support for that. When my turn came, I stepped forward to make my three announcements. Two of them, positive and hopeful messages, would hopefully soften the blow of the third. Taking a deep breath, I raised my eyes to the people.

So far, Kaldr and Petra's plans and progress had met with surprising support. We were benefiting them and that's all they could ask of the people in charge. It seemed reasonable to expect the same support for my announcements, even if one of them was less than favorable.

"You are all well aware of my efforts to improve the educational system, at the request of many of our young people. The youth are being pulled out of school far too early to enter a workforce they are not prepared for. However, with your input and your encouragement, we have devised a system that can support and prepare our youth without taking them away from their families when they are needed the most. But more is needed of you. This bill has to pass through the Court, it has to pass Odin's keen inspection and it has to be supported.

"I'm asking you to do more than agree with me. Shout your support, send your petitions, make it known to your lords that this is what you want. And in light of the need for your voice, Queen Frigga has made a suggestion that we are eager to implement. A committee will be formed by key members of Odin's court, by your lords as representatives. Your voice has not been heard. It takes more than our efforts to bring Asgard to the prosperity it once enjoyed. We have to work together."

Taking a deep breath, I glanced back at the partially hidden figure of Loki. He looked at me from where he leaned against the wall. I turned back to the crowd.

"You've trusted me thus far. You've given me a chance, you've seen the good we can do together. I'm asking you to trust me in one more thing. Loki Laufeyson, of Jotunheim, has been released from prison and is confined on Odin's orders to the palace grounds."

The so far peaceful and attentive crowd quickly became agitated. They shifted and murmured amongst themselves. I held my hands up and waited for silence.

"I understand your worry. But I asked you to trust me. Loki is not the same man you have known. Things have changed here and just the same, he has gone through many changes in a short period of time. But give me your time and your trust and I promise you, all will be well."

"What of the monster!" Someone shouted below. I could almost feel the hatred rolling off of Loki. I glanced back, gesturing for him to calm down. He clenched his jaw and folded his arms.

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