Chapter 11

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Two weeks and a happy engagement had brought some amazing changes in the palace. The wedding plans had been sped up dramatically when Eir mentioned that seven months was generally when women started slowing down to prepare. As of tomorrow, I would be seven months along. But the baby was healthy and active and Eir saw no reason for me to begin bedrest.

I wasn't as busy. Loki's worry had multiplied after his release. He scolded me for working late hours and eating less than regularly. I knew I needed rest and food, but there was so much to do. On top of all my responsibilities, I had to plan a wedding too!

Thankfully, Frigga had invited Hel to visit and the both of them had taken it upon themselves to plan much of the wedding. To my surprise, though Loki said he had expected it, Fandral had also offered to help.

"He loves weddings." Loki shrugged. "Next to a bacchanal, they're his favorite. Let him help. He's not bad at it."

I had picked my dress and the cake and Loki had approved the wine and champagne. He had vetoed the idea of a honeymoon on another planet. The Bifrost was finally finished and Heimdall had ways of slightly adjusting it to make travel easier for pregnant women, since they were brought from all over to consult Eir. But we were already traveling to Midgard and Loki felt that was enough. Our honeymoon would be in a small cabin by the sea, one Loki and Thor had shared when they were young and wished to get away.

Frigga's gift to us had come early. She had convinced Odin to extend the invitation list to Midgard. Today I would leave for three days to invite my family and friends. Odin would allow them to come up the day before the wedding and leave after we returned from our weeklong honeymoon. I had gone to thank him but he had only held up a hand and shaken his head when I started.

"It is Frigga's gift. Mine will come in time." He had smiled enigmatically but said nothing more. Enigmatic or not, I had noticed that he smiled at me more. His previously stern and cold gaze had softened and sometimes he even walked with me if our paths happened to cross during the day. He told me stories about Thor and Loki and little things Loki did as a baby.

It seemed the excitement had spread even to him. I was glad to have him on my side now. We still argued of course, usually over plans and changes and laws. He was deeply set in his ways and I was sometimes too idealistic. But overall, we were trying to get along.

Loki had intended to come with me but I knew it wouldn't go over well. Rehabilitating or not, he was still the invader to them. Thor had been sent to notify SHIELD already that we were coming. Bringing Loki would just open a can of worms we didn't need right now. So he would have to remain in Asgard.

Looking out the window as a familiar sound came to me, I smiled. Thor was just landing after his last visit to a far off fief. He would be tagging along so he could see Jane. Shifting back to face Loki, I slowly ran a hand through his messy hair. He had cut it back down to the nape of his neck and still kept it slicked back but I kind of liked it messy.

He was fast asleep, with his head just under my breasts and his hand on my belly. He didn't like talking to the baby when I was awake but I woke up often to see he had fallen asleep doing so during the night. Running my hand through his hair again, I watched him wake.

"Morning." I smiled. He looked up, blinking in the sunlight.

"Hello." He rumbled. Pushing himself up, he leaned over to kiss me. "Awake and ready, I see."

I nodded, sitting up slowly to avoid getting dizzy. "Just waiting for you." I went to the closet, digging out my old suitcase and finding a wrinkled pair of sweats and a baggy sweatshirt. To my disappointment, I couldn't fit into even my big jeans. So sweats would have to do. My bag was already packed and by the door. Valda and took it to the Bifrost to wait for me while Loki and I joined the family for breakfast.

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