Chapter 18

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The end of the week

I sat in front of Loki on Sleipnir's back. Holt carried the bags and walked a little behind us. Loki kept his arm around me and his palm pressed to my belly. He'd been quiet all morning but I'd finally come to the conclusion that nothing was wrong. I left him alone and tried to fall asleep. My back and head had been killing me last night and I'd stayed up reading. I sat back and closed my eyes, trying not to think too much.

Loki nudged me suddenly, chuckling. I opened my eyes and turned to him. "We have a shadow." He said. I looked behind us and saw a flash of red and brown. I smiled.

"Think it's the same one?"

He nodded. We'd been followed lately by a mysterious fluff of red that never came very close. I turned to see him again. This time, he was close by Sleipnir but staying away from his hooves. Holt watched him calmly. "Will he follow us home?"

Loki shrugged. "Probably not."

"If he does, can we keep him?"

He raised a brow and looked back at the little ball of fur. "No."

I pouted. "Please."

"No." He laughed but shook his head.

The little fur ball was running right alongside Sleipnir now. He looked up at me with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. I grinned down at him. Loki eventually stopped and brought Sleipnir and Holt to a small pond. He filled the canteen and came to sit beside me on a hill while we waited. I knelt on the ground and beckoned the little Alderin to me but he turned and ran, going home. Loki sighed in relief and we stood as Sleipnir led Holt back. We mounted and rode the last hour back to Asgard. I stared up at the palace and the many tall buildings which were mostly residences and temples. We took a path through the city. Some of the residents said hello to me but Loki kept his silence. I looked at him, unsure if they were making him uncomfortable. He shifted slightly but said nothing in response to my look.

As we reached the city square, Loki directed Sleipnir to stop. I looked up at him. "What?" He motioned for me to get down. He gestured for an attendant at the doors to watch the horses. I followed Loki into one of the gilded high rises and to a silent room in the back. A woman was just leaving, her head covered and her eyes downcast. There was a man inside, kneeling in front of what looked like an altar. His clothes were tattered and his feet shod in shoes that were falling apart even as he knelt there. His shoulders shook with silent tears.

I looked at Loki, frowning. He nodded to the man. "Talk to him." He whispered. My frown deepened. Why would I do that? He was obviously distraught; what was I supposed to do? But Loki nudged me forward.

I crept closer until I was beside the man. Setting a hesitant hand against his back, I waited for him to look up. I smiled shakily. "H-Hi. Are you uh... What's wrong?"

His eyes widened slowly and he stood to face me. "Have you come to help me?" He asked.

"Um... I don't know. What do you need help with?"

He wiped his eyes and nose and bowed to both of us. "Please, m'lady, I've no home or work and no money to feed my little girl. I've no one else to go to. But they said if I would pray, you would help me."

"They?" I squeaked. "Pray? Why are you praying for me? Who's they?"

He gestured to the altar. "The people all say you will help us."

I looked at the altar, seeing it was a silver platform with white peonies scattered over it and a small engraving of a circlet very similar to mine. I frowned at it. There were trinkets and dolls and papers left all around it.

"Will you help me, goddess?"

I stepped back, my eyes growing wide. "What'd you call me?"

Loki put a hand on my back. He dug a pouch from his pocket and handed it to the man. "Here, take it. The lady will find you work if you come to the gates tomorrow morning and ask for her. Now go."

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