Chapter 12

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A\N: Sven: rain rain go away, come when i die, okay?

The rain has finally com to a stop, making only the wind blow.

Burt's eyes fluttered opened, only to show that is night.

he should go back to sleep.

but if you know how he is, he will not.

a day just a

but they still have a lot to go.

Burt looked around the dark cave, seeing Demo and Sven both asleep.

Sven had a arm warped around Burt. he could feel Sven slowly breathing in and out.

very clam.

no noise.

only the wind and soft crickets.

back at the house, Burt could hardly sleep because of the sound of cars, honking, loud music and loud sudden noises.

but here, there was none of that.

Burt gently got Sven's arm off of him, so he could get out.

he tried not to make noise so Demo or Sven wouldn't wake up.

he poked his head out of the cave, to see if the path was clear enough.

it was, so he got out of the cave.

oh, he felt like he was only 11.

when he was 11, he'd wake up late at night and sneak off.

there was always a clear path where ever he went.

lots of grass, no trees blocking the moon.

but there was something he didn't just feel quite right.

he was wearing his sweater of course.

he decided to take it off, so he unzipped sweater take it off slowly.

he placed it next to Sven, because he knew if he put it there, he wouldn't forget it.

he got out of the cave once again and walked to a clear path of the right, he didn't see during day.

he path he walked was straight, no bumps or random puddles anywhere.

he knew where he was going.

then the path stopped, showing a clear field.

the trees there were forming a circle, bit there was no trees around the clear field.

Burt walked in the field, feeling like an 11 year old again.

he could see the clear, full moon

nothing blocking it.

no tall buildings, no tall trees, no nothing.

it was all clear.

 he felt a soft breeze hit his skin, that's why he took his sweeter on.

but he under his sweeter, he was wearing a black crop-top.

Burt looked to his right to see a white rose.

Burt gently picked it and took a look at it.

it was beautiful, it matched the moons color.

Burt smiled softly, having the white rose on his hands.

back at the cave, Demo softly woke up.

once she was fully awake, she saw that Burt was not in Sven's arms.

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