Chapter 41

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A\N: how far am i going into this?! huh. lord knows.

this happened twice in Demo's life.


she's not letting him die again.

Demo was healing Burt, although he been breathing very slowly.

Sarah watched as Demo healed her brother, who to be in a slumber.

Burt's wound seemed to be disappearing by the minute but Demo's anger can't be healed.

or her sadness.

she has the urge to turn all the toppats into ashes.

and that's what she wants to do to.

"we move from this area.. now." Demo voice snapped, causing her growl.

Burt is fine, he's breathing perfectly, he's not gonna die anytime soon.

but Demo's anger has been raised.

Sven picks Burt up, carrying him.

Demo then walks away from the abandoned place, hearing something tick.

she smiled as she heard the word "bomb" 

they were already almost far from there.

far so no one outside the place could be injured.

the place exploded.

some of the toppats survived, but most of them are dead.

they were still walking away from the burnet area, clearly not wanting to rest anytime soon.

the whole trip has been silent, and Demo seemed to be calming down.

only a bit.

Burt is still asleep, what Demo is thinking, Burt is most likely to wake up at some point in midnight.

oh she can't wait till he does.

plus, Demo would only sleep for 3 seconds if she could.

night finally arrived, leaving them to stop.

they stopped in a felid, clearly Sarah is sleeping.

but Sven and Demo are not.

Sven was staring into sky, wondering when Burt is gonna wake up.

soon enough, the blonde fell asleep.

it's only Demo.

Burt fluttered his eyes open, sitting up.

"what... what happened?" Burt asked, causing Demo to perk her head up.

Demo ran over to Burt like a dog and started licking him.

Burt didn't expect Demo to be so happy to see him awake.

though he knew he got shot.

Demo soon fell asleep in Burt's lap, using at some pillow.

Burt stroked Demo fur lightly, all the sleep he got during the trip was enough for him

though it was only a few hours

Burt smiled gently as he watched Demo sleeping, feeling her breathe in and out slowly.

he heard Sven groan, and looked right next to him.

Sven looked at burt with sleepy eyes but smiled.

"are you okay?" Sven asked softly, stroking Burt's cheek softly.

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