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"Mum?dad?how do I look?"I asked not sure if this dress made me look like a nineteen year old girl or like a princess which I most certainly do NOT want to look like.

"Like a princess dear"mom said smiling at me like any loving mum would smile like
"Well, then,I'm taking it off" I said

"Why dear?you don't like it?but it's nice"My dad said,they just don't know that I like simple dresses, not puffy ones that make me look like a bride that went to snow White's ball party.

"I just want something simple Dad"I said.

My dad just looked at me with a questioning look while my mum went inside and came back with another dress, even with the look of it,the dress looked perfect,I took it from my mum and tried it on.

When I came out,
"Wooooow", was what I heard.

I too liked this dress,I told my parents that I loved it and they paid for it,now I finally had a dress that I was going to wear for America, yup I was going to America,where I was going to receive more attention.

I've heard many stories of black Americans who were killed.

My parents especially told me about George Floyd, I cried at this story, to think that I couldn't bear being held playfully on the neck,talkless of someone kneeling on my neck until I passed out,but I tried to not believe it.

I mean,if I didn't experience it in Nigeria, then it couldn't be real, especially since there are fair skins in Nigeria.

As I boarded the plane to America,I expected people to flirt with me, But the only guy that looked at me throughout the flight was this dark skinned guy.

I started feeling uncomfortable as no one was paying attention to me,I tried to use my charming attitude on this white guy that was next to me but the only thing that I could call a reply was that he glanced my way then looked at his paper as fast as he had looked at me as if no one was talking to him.

I decided to stop trying to make him like me because obviously,my attempt was pathetic because if he couldn't find me attractive,then how would he listen to me?

When I finally got out of the plane,I had to board a bus, when I was about to enter, someone pushed me back real hard then entered into the bus herself,was I invisible or what? could the person not see that I was there?but the person was white,wait..first the man,now this girl pushing me,was it racism?was this racism stuff true?no way,we are all humans,it couldn't be true,I refuse to believe that.

As I was still about to enter,a white man came out to stand on the outside of the bus,he behaved as if he couldn't see me

"Anyone left?come in now!no one?"
Was this man crazy?? Was he blind or just trying to drive me crazy??? because it was working!

I angrily got into the bus, when I entered,I found an empty seat, thank Goodness I was lucky,I sat down, then a young guy obviously in his forties came directly to where I sat

"I believe you're supposed to stand up and allow me to seat"He said while raising an eyebrow

"Yh,give up your seat,he's more worthy of it than you are"A woman said,did anyone even call her in the conversation?

I refused to stand up, just then the bus conductor came and literally dragged me up from my seat,yup,he actually grabbed me up like I was nothing and left me standing there.

I was just standing there and no one even glanced my way, two girls were busy talking, giggling and gossiping about people on the bus, when they got to her own gossip she heard

"Ughh,look at that girl" "I know right, so ugly"

"Look at her skin colour,so black and we all know black is a dull colour"

"Yup, let's stop talking about her,her gossip is too disgusting"

I felt like slapping the both of them at the same time left,right and centre,why would they talk about me like that?I've never been talked about like that,it was so weird to hear people say such stuff about me,the bus shook a little and I fell backwards

"Ughh,stay off me"

"No, don't come near me"

"yuk,I don't want your black colour to rub off on me"

People said as I struggled to get off the floor,I stretched out my hand for people to help me up but no one did,they just kept looking at me like I was crazy.

I finally got up and when the bus got to where I wanted it to stop, I got off and waited for a taxi,I waved for a taxi to stop,it came to me and when the driver rolled down the window,he looked at me and squeezed his face, then he drove off.

Well that was rude, he didn't even say anything to me, just drove on like it was no man's business.

I tried calling another taxi but it just passed by me,I stayed there for a long time before a taxi finally came by,that was understandable though, the driver was black so it wasn't a surprised he answered me,on the way to where I'll be staying,the driver told me a lot about racism and racists and stuff like that and for once,I actually believed.

I got to my hotel and texted my mum and dad that I had arrived safely and that I was great, then I told them about my day,the racist stuff and everything that happened,I told them that finally I believed all that they said,they both laughed and I laughed with them,today was a tough day,but today was a learning experience.

Hi everyone✊🏿, thanks for reading this chapter, how about a vote and comment?,I will not be able to update this story for a while because i'm resuming boarding school so when I come back,I'll make up for the time spent with more interesting chapters, thanks beautiful peoples 🧡

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