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I can't believe that I'm still stuck here without food, like, I'm very hungry that I feel really faint. So I crossed my fingers and hoped that at least one of the men would give me food, but what was the point? Their goal was to torture me, probably kill me and run away.

Then the next time someone walks in here and sees me, I'll probably be a skeleton and they'll use me in universities to teach students about the human bones.

I guess I'm going a little bit too far but what do you expect? I'm hungry!!

Luckily, one of them did bring food (that's if I can even call it food!), but not before I passed out from hunger, the man had to wake me up by splashing water on my face.

When I woke up, I saw a big man staring down at me, I think he's the average height of a giant. I kept on staring at me and I kept on staring at him hoping that the food would jump out of nowhere into my mouth.

The man brought a chair and sat on it, the chair creaked a little bit from the weight of the man. He brought out food and handed it over to me after untying my mouth.

I happily took the food and started eating the food immediately. The man kept looking at me and making me feel wierd, so I decided to engage him in a little conversation,

"So how did you um....get here?" I tried asking him. "The same way you got here", he replied which made me confused. When I asked him what he meant, he told me his story.

I was just a young boy in my school and I was very smart too. Most of the girls in my class liked me because of how I was, I dated a lot in college and was very popular so teachers loved me.

One day, I was walking back home when a woman called Georgina and I liked her a lot because she was very nice and she was the female version of my name too but all these good thoughts about her didn't last for long when I was tricked into joining this gang.

She was a member of this gang so I was mentally blind when she made me join this gang because she thought it would be 'nice' which it wasn't. I thought she was saying the truth but then it turns out that she just wanted me to replace her so she could leave the gang.

I tried to escape, but they always caught me so I gave in and they put a mark on me to make sure I don't run away.

Of course it was all a lie, George was well-known for making up meaningless stories so people don't usually ask him things.

He just joined the other thugs because he wasn't good in school and hated the way his parents always put pressure on him.

As George was telling me his story, I couldn't really concentrate on what he was telling me because the food wasn't nice at all, they claimed to give me something edible yet it tasted horrible, like as if I was eating cockroaches without legs (Which was very disgusting!)
I just nodded my head to make him think that I was listening and I hoped that soon I would be able to escape from this place.

When he was done talking, he left again and I was all alone until the door opened again and this time, Roshan came in.

I felt very angry seeing him because I wasn't in the mood to see him at all.

As he walked in, every part of me Just felt like exploding because his footsteps made me feel rage and hatred and I knew that he wanted me to feel this way (He succeeded!)

"So, how have you been enjoying your stay here? So sorry I haven't had time to visit you" He said with a smirk on his face

Roshan literally had the mind to march in here like a chairman and tell me with a stupid grin that he hasn't had time to visit and that he's sorry???

How could he behave like he wasn't even involved in this whole thing??, how could her behave like he was a well-wisher??

I just felt so angry that I raised my hand to slap him but he held it before it could reach his stupid face.
Today feels great knowing that this stupid girl is still here, weak and unable to leave without help.
I walked into this building knowing that she would be mad at me but it's not like I care.
Maybe I should try being nice...nope, I would rather be nice to something else... probably my grandfather's big toe.
I mean, I even apologized(obviously it was fake but it was still an apology)
I'm meant to receive a thank you but all I get is an angry woman wanting to slap me.
I need to teach her a lesson
Roshan shouted the names of four boys and instructed them to beat Fiona up until she was almost dead.
I couldn't believe what happened next. Just right after he held my hand, he shouted the names of four boys and they all came rushing in, ready to teach me a lesson and I have to admit that this was truly the biggest and most painful lesson of my life.
I literally got beaten up to the point of death.

I have never in my life, encountered a man who would torture an innocent woman.
Roshan is a very heartless man and I hate him a lot. The fact that I'm different from him in the littlest way doesn't give him the right to ruin my life.
I hate him, I hate his guts and everything that has to do with him. I just want him to disappear forever.


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