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Tina and Fiona were talking about different things when Peter's dad who Fiona later found out was actually Mr. Peter came in.

Fiona put her head down because she remembered what happened the last time they met.

She felt really bad immediately she saw him because she felt like a nuisance to him,but he totally surprised her when he said,

"Oh come on, don't put your head down, look up, I want to talk to you in private so please follow me" he said and started walking away.

Fiona was shocked at first but then she got up and followed Mr. Peter to the sitting room

"So girl, I want to ask you a few questions" Mr. Peter said

"Ok sir" Fiona replied

"But first, I want to apologize for what happened two days ago, I don't know what came over me, I must have forgotten the fact that we are all humans and we deserve to be treated with respect, please forgive me" Mr Peter said.

"Sir I can't blame you for what you did, not everyone understands people, but I am very happy that you are not discriminating m e anymore, I have forgiven you sir" Fiona replied.

"What is your name?" Mr Peter asked Fiona

"Fiona" She replied him

"Ok, Fiona, it was nice speaking to you, I'm sure we could be good friends, you can go" He said to her

"Thank you sir" She replied and left

Fiona went out of the room and back to where Tina was still sitting. They continued their talk for about 30 minutes undisturbed until Fiona said that she was thirsty and needed to get a glass of water

"I think I'll have one too, could you also get me a glass?" Tina asked her

"Sure, sure why not?" Fiona said and went to get them

Fiona was going down the stairs to the kitchen, not really paying much attention to the stairs, when she missed a step and was about to fall down the stairs in a painful way when she felt someone hold her and pull her back up.

She breathed a sigh of relief and looked back to see the angel that saved her, she almost fell down the stairs again when she looked back but she was able to control herself just in time.

Fiona saw the cutest guys she had ever seen in her life, he was a white (hunk)
I felt like making myself to fall down the stairs literally just to make sure that I wasn't dreaming that a really cute guy was standing right in front of me.

I tried to speak but I couldn't,I was just, shocked.

"Easy there, if I wasn't coming up the stairs you could have fallen down and gotten hurt really badly" The guy said

"T-th- um.. thank you" I managed to say

"You're welcome" he replied and walked up the stairs.

I was still shocked as I got two cups of water and went to meet Tina.

"Why do you look like like you've just had a conversation with an angel?" Tina asked me

"Maybe I just saw one" I replied as I handed her cup of water over to her

"Really? Why don't you tell me about it" Tina said, "I'm all ears"

"Well, he's the cutest boy I've ever seen" I started but I was cut short because the boy came.

"Hey beautiful" he said and I wondered for a second If he was referring to me, but then he walked up to Tina and kissed her on the forehead

"How are you doing?" He asked her, then he looked at me, then back at her and asked
"Is this a friend of yours?"

"Oh yes, she's the new member of our family" Tina replied, I noticed a little sparkle in her eyes when she said 'our family'

"Well then, any friend of Tina is a friend of mine" He said. Then he stretched out his hand for a handshake

"Nice to meet you" he said, "I'm Lucas"

"Hi Lucas, I'm Fiona" I replied him

"Fiona, that's a nice name" He said and I tried to hide my face that had turned red like tomatoes

"Thanks" I replied

"Ok, so I'll leave you two ladies alone, bye babe" He said and left

Ok, I couldn't stop my myself from asking Tina who Lucas was to her, I knew the answer was obvious and if she said it, it going to be painful but I just wanted to be sure I wasn't over thinking

"Tina?" I called her name, "Who's Lucas to you?" I asked

"He's my boyfriend, why do you ask?" She asked me

"Um.. nothing, I was just, just wondering" I replied her, in a much quieter tone

The answer was what I was thinking and even though It had been proved that I wasn't over thinking, it still hurt a lot, I felt like a huge part of my heart had gone, leaving a big hole

"I need to go and rest in my room now" I told Tina and stood up to leave

"Can I come with you?" She asked me.

"Next time please, I need to be alone" I replied her

I could tell that she was concerned about me but I just didn't want to be with anyone at that moment, so I just left.

Then I went straight to my room to cry my heart out. I felt really bad about everything, about my life and most especially, about me leaving my homeland.

I felt like I shouldn't have come here, like I made a mistake wanting to work here.

I cried so much that it gave me a headache, so I had to go out of my room with really red eyes.

I went out, but before I did, I looked sideways to make sure that I wasn't being followed and that I was the only one there before I went to get some drugs to take.

I went to my room and slept off immediately I took them because I felt tired, but that was after I locked my door so no one could bother me before I went to sleep.

A trip abroad Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant