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Fiona was still trying to recover from the beating but It was very hard to because she was having high temperature and there are was nothing she could use to treat herself.

She felt like she was going to die.
If not for the little boy that ran into that place, Fiona would have passed out.

The boy didn't notice her at first, because he was too busy looking for a hiding spot so his friend wouldn't find him.

They were playing hide and sick so he decided to run in here, as he knew his friend wouldn't be able to find him there.

He saw Fiona and went up to her, luckily for him, no one was around, all the boys had gone for lunch.

"Excuse me ma'am, can I hide here?" He asked her. He didn't see her face at first because she wasn't facing him, her back was turned towards him.
Then he turned around so that he could see her face,

"You don't look well ma'am, can I help you in any way?" He asked her

"If you could get me some water, I might be fine" she managed to say

"What if I helped you get out of here?" The boy said, "I mean, you look like you're not here out of your own free will, you look like you're in trouble, like you've been kidnapped" he said

Such a smart boy Fiona thought to herself,
"Yes thank you very much, please untie my hands and legs" Fiona said.

The boy did as she asked him to and then he helped her stand up and to go out of that place.
She was so happy to be able to smell such fresh air again.

The boy saw his best friend with whom he had been playing hide and seek and he realised that he had forgotten all about the game.
Behind his best friend was a man who Fiona guessed was Peter's father.

"Peter, you're finally here, ok now, both of you, in the car, at home we'll have a little talk about you guys playing in unknown and uncompleted buildings" The man said, he sounded angry.

The man took one look at Fiona and ignored her, pretending like there wasn't a lady in a very dusty, dirty dress, who also hadn't taken a shower in days in front of him(or let's just say, a beautiful lady in front of him...yeah that's better).

"Dad please, can this girl come with us? She's very hungry and tired and she's probably lost because she's just been kidnapped" Peter asked his father.

"Son, we don't know her, so we don't know if she's a witch in human form, seeking her prey, so I suggest we leave her here" His father said, without even looking at Peter or Fiona

"Dad, please? Pretty please? I'm very sure she's not a witch, dad, remember you always told me and my brother that we should do well to help whenever we can because good deeds pay off" Peter reminded his dad.

"Get into the car!!" Peter's dad yelled angrily, "I will not stand here and listen to this nonsense son, get in now!" He sharply said

"Dad, remember when you told me that mum would be happy to see us helping people?" Peter said, softly and sadly,

"Remember you told us that she's still with us, watching our every move?" He said with tears in his eyes,

"Dad, if I don't help this girl, I'll live with the feeling of regret and I'll feel mum hates me now, so do this, if not for me, but for mum" he finished, as a tear fell from his eye

His father sighed, breathed in, breathed out, then finally said,
"Fine son, bring her along" and then he entered into the car, without another word.

Fiona didn't even know how to feel, she felt happy that she was finally free, then she felt that Peter's father didn't really like her, but had allowed her to come because of his son

Then she felt uncomfortable, because she was going to stay in another person's house and she wasn't used to living with people she didn't know

She never went to stay with any relative of hers back when she was younger, so she had never had that experience

They arrived at their house and Fiona couldn't help but gasp at what she saw. The house was really big and beautiful.

It was just as beautiful on the inside when she entered and she loved it, her admiration though, was cut short by Peter's dad,
"Your room is upstairs and later, I'll send someone to bring you some spare clothes, when you have enough money you can go buy yourself some new clothes, good day" he said and left.

Fiona went to her room and when she went inside, it looked beautiful, it was nothing like her room back in her hometown.

She sat down on the bed and it felt so comfortable that Fiona fell into a deep sleep in less than a minute.

When she woke up, she saw the dresses that Peter's dad had told her that he would send someone to give her on her bed.
She washed up and came out of her room.
On doing so, she met a girl who was also coming out of a room.

It turned out that the girl's name was Tina and she too was from a different family, sadly, she lost her family and became an orphan, but was then adopted by Peter's dad.
Although Tina had a sad life, she never showed it and she became Fiona's best friend really quickly.

Tina was a beautiful blond haired girl with flawless skin and  an amazingly friendly aura.

Fiona was happy to have Tina as her best friend and resolved to make sure that their friendship would last for a very long time, but little did Fiona know that their friendship was going to be destroyed very soon.

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