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I tried to keep the incident out of my mind but it just kept coming back,that guy's behaviour kept getting on my nerves,I don't know if I will survive seeing him again at work because there was something about him that made me want to keep more than 6feet away from him but at the same time I felt drawn to him,I couldn't understand myself at all,but I felt like I need to know him more, like I really do need to know him, but I brushed that feeling aside since I really didn't want any trouble.

As I got to my office today,I sat down at my desk and I started filling more papers with suggestions,as I was doing so,I felt like someone was watching me so I decided to look up and see who it was,as I looked up,I couldn't believe who was in my front,it was that wierd guy,he looked at me with an annoyed and angered expression and I couldn't understand what I had done to deserve that look,so I tried to keep myself in one piece before I exploded into a million pieces,ok this is wierd,he isn't talking at all, he's just staring at me like I stole something from him.

"Umm, can I help you or something?"I said, really wanting to end this glaring"You"he said"I.. what?" "You think you can just come here and give a stupid talk about racism just because you are also black"he said,I was stunned,is he also a racist? "What do you mean?"I asked "You know exactly what I mean,you disgust me as much as your fellow blacks do,you blacks are all a curse,all of you are ugly and cursed at the same time" that was it,I had to speak up for this one"So what if we are?huh?what if we're black,but one thing is for sure,we are most certainly not cursed,say what you please,but tell me one thing, when you're done talking, just tell me what you've gained by saying all that, I'm sure you just feel like talking today, so talk very well and I won't interfere,but when you're done call me and tell me what you've gained, please go away and good day"I said and continued my work as if he wasn't still there glaring angrily at me."One thing you must know is that,later,you'll regret all you have said to me"He said and left angrily,so he's one of them,the racists,no wonder he acted so wierd when I was giving my speech, anyways, if he chooses to be a torment in my life, then I will be watching out for him.

The quiet guy turned out to be the dangerous guy,kinda like a joke right? funny but it's not a joke,I literally thought he was one of the good guys, only to get my hope crushed and find out that he's one of the bad guys, like I mean, this is really surprising,now I'm in danger and he's literally making me scared of my own workplace,oh great,now I have to use the toilet and literally have to pass by his office to use the toilet and I really didn't want to see this guy's face again,well,what have I got to lose?I really need to go,so I actually stood up from my chair and walked to the toilet,I saw him and he looked at me,our eyes caught for a minute and I saw the anger in his eyes,but I just ignored it and went to the toilet.

I hate this girl,I most certainly despise her,I despise all blacks,so it's not really a personal hate, it's a general one,I hate everything that has to do with them, people need to realise that blacks don't deserve to stay in a place like Florida, they shouldn't dare come to my Homeland because it disgusts me to live in the same place blacks live in,ever since my sister got killed by one,she was the sweetest little thing ever,until one black criminal decided to take her life for no good reason, it's not like she even knows him,that criminal is lucky he committed suicide, unless we pop would have tracked him down and made his death more painful.then I move away to live alone in Florida only for a black to come and disturb my peace by making this nonsense speech about racism,I just feel like strangling her to death right now,instead of her to accept that she's at fault, she's telling me to tell her what I've gained by insulting her, soon I'll have my revenge on this girl,I'll torture her life to the point that she wouldn't want to live anymore,or better still,she would leave this company for good.

Hi everyone 🧡,I am so glad I'm finally done with this chapter,I hope you like it and if you do, how about voting and following if you haven't so you could get informed when I update,bye beautiful people 😁

A trip abroad जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें