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This man is so complicated, I don't understand him at all, how could you hate someone who has never done anything to you, it's not fair at all,I don't know if I should go to work today, or call in sick,
i think.. who's that person calling me,it better be important, I've got important work to do (picks up the phone)


Stranger: Hello Fiona, How's your day going?

Fiona:Who is this?

Stranger:An old friend, I badly need your help, could you please come to this address?

Fiona: What's your name old friend?


Fiona:I don't remember having a friend named Nancy

Stranger:Look girl, just come to this address or else...(Hangs up)

What's going on? Who's this strange person? I think I will just ignore, besides, it might be a trick, we all know how kidnappers can be these days.

Fiona goes to work, when she gets there, she ignores all the strange people staring at her, like they are shocked or maybe another expression?

No idea what expression but whatever the expression was, it was very disturbing so she tried her very best to ignore it, but when she gets to her desk, she realises why those people were staring.

It was from Roger and it was an apology letter,he was apologizing for yesterday.

When Fiona got to her desk,she realised why they were staring at her,on top of her table was a letter and some flowers.
When she opened the letter,it read:

Dear Fiona,
              I'm very sorry for what I said to you, I have come to realise that what I said was wrong. In fact, I was wrong, please let me make it up to you, let's meet in my office.
                                Yours truly,
Fiona felt a little bit flustered when she finished reading the letter.

After work, Fiona went to Roger's office, when she got there, Roger welcomed her happily into his office, they talked for sometime, Roger asked her how she was settling in the company, she replied by saying,

"Well, I'm settling well but not that much because of some racists" Fiona replied

Roger, knowing fully well that she was indirectly talking about him, replied her through clenched teeth,

"Yes, that's true, sometimes blacks are meant to be insulted, while some are meant to be brutally dealt with"

Well, that started the fight very quickly,

Fiona started shouting at Roshan,
"Yh but sometimes, I think my kind need to be treated with respect"

"I don't like your tone dear, you can't literally tell me that "your kind" doesn't discriminate people like you" Roshan said while he made an air clone with his fingers when he said "Your kind".

Fiona angrily walked or rather stormed out of his office, little did she realise why he had been behaving nice to her, after insulting her and everything,he couldn't feel bad all of a sudden unless something was up.

Fiona saw a large group of men surrounding the entrance to her office, before she could manage to make a move or even say anything, one of the men hit her really hard on her head which made her pass out.

This girl is not serious at all, she knows that she doesn't deserve to live yet she still has the mind to come and work in this company, since she even talks back at me, a more privileged person than her, she'll regret it.

I didn't want her to be successful in this company so I had to do the obvious thing that was staring me right in the face, I had to call some thugs to have her pass out,which would obviously make it easier for me to kidnap her.

So I went to my phone book and looked up the baddest and toughest thugs In town and I found just the right people for the job.

I called them and when they answered the call,they agreed to do it but on one condition,I had to pay them a ransom of one thousand dollars and I replied,

"Anything to get that girl out of the company",so we met at an uncompleted building and planned the kidnap.

I knew she would struggle so much and make it almost impossible to take her away,so they suggested that I should pretend like I'm feeling bad for what I've been doing and invite her to my house, but I couldn't so instead, I decided to do something of my own.

I wrote her an apology letter, while writing this, I learnt that her name's Fiona from another of our co-workers, so I apologized to her and sent her some flowers to make it seem real.

She fell for it and came to my office, I was happy to see her only because my plan was working,but I think she thought that I was truly happy to see her in my office, so when she entered, I decided to engage her in a little conversation,but it got out of hand when I asked her

"How are you settling in the company?".She got really mad at me and started yelling for no reason at all when I said that sometimes'her kind'don't deserve respect.

I got very angry but I tried to keep my cool because I knew she didn't know what awaited her once she stepped out of my office.

Once she did,I heard a loud sound and that's when I knew that the job had been done.
I got out of my office and I saw her lying on the ground.

"Good job boys, now let's get her out if here fast before my boss comes",I told them and quickly we carried her and put her in the trunk of my car.

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