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Fiona was still sleeping in her room when Tina, feeling very much concerned about Fiona's previous behaviour, knocked on her door which made Fiona wake up

"Um...Fiona?" Tina said, still standing outside of the room, "Can I come in?"

"Yes" Fiona replied

Tina and entered the room and took one look at Fiona, with that look, she was able to know that Fiona had still not recovered from whatever had been bothering her
I felt bad for Fiona and the funny thing was that I didn't even know what was wrong, but I still felt like it had to do with me or maybe something I said previously
The question was, what's did I say?

As I entered her room, I looked at Fiona and realised that, apart from the sleepy face, she still looked like she was sad about something else

"Fiona, what's up with you? You've been acting weird, like you're upset about something" I told her

"Nothing, it's just that I wasn't feeling too well" she replied me, but it was going to take more than that to fool me

"Why did you get sick immediately I answered the question you asked me?" I asked, examining her expressions

"Nothing, it was really nothing, I was just tired" she replied

Why was she lying to me? Weren't we best friends?

"Are you sure?" I asked her

"Yes, I'm very sure" she replied

I just decided to drop the case since she obviously wasn't going to tell me the truth.
I decided not to force her too much.

"Ok, dinner's ready, so...you know.... whenever you're ready.... you'll come right?" I asked her

"Yes, thank you" she said

I left her room, still confused and not convinced that nothing was wrong with her, but I didn't want to force her to tell me, so I decided to leave her alone.
Fiona went to the dining table and took a seat. The food looked great, but she wasn't in the mood to eat at all, so she started playing with her food instead, using the fork to push it in different directions.

"Fiona?" Mr. Peter called her name, but she was too deep in thoughts to acknowledge the fact that she was being called

"Fiona?" He called again, but she didn't answer him

Tina tapped her gently on the shoulder just so she could snap back to reality

"Yes?" She answered, not realising what had just happened

"Are you alright?" Tina asked her

"Yes, yes I'm fine" Fiona replied

"Aren't you going to eat your food?" Mr. Peter asked her

"Yes sir, I will" she replied him

"But why aren't you eating it now? Your food will get cold" He asked her

She started eating as a way of response and just so they could leave her alone.

When she finally looked up, she saw Lucas staring at her and she immediately looked down so she wouldn't see his face again.

After dinner, everyone went to bed except Fiona who stayed behind so she couldn't watch a movie.

She hoped it would help her forget all she had been thinking about for a while.

She hated scary movies because she usually watched it alone and it was worse whenever she did watch it alone so she decided to watch a comedy show instead

As she was watching the movie, she heard a door open and shut, she got scared but controlled herself
As she was trying her best not to shout, she saw a figure coming out from the darkness of the corridor, she squinted her eyes a little just so that she could see the thing well

"Hey...Fiona right?" It said. Fiona could see the figure well and she almost fell off the chair she was sitting on when she realised who it was

"Oh h-hi? Umm aren't you supposed to be sleeping by now?" Fiona asked Lucas

"Not really, I purposely waited for everyone to sleep so I could watch this all by myself" Lucas replied her

"Oh sorry, um..you can change the movie" Fiona said

"Oh no, no, I'll watch this movie with you" Lucas said and sat down

Fiona tried to cover her face without giving Lucas the hint that she was doing that. Lucas sat next to her and she touched her neck just to make sure she wasn't having high temperature because of his hotness

"What are you doing?" He asked her, noticing that she had been touching her neck

"Um.. nothing, nothing" she replied him

"Is this a horror movie or a comedy based one because this doesn't look like any horror movie I've seen" Lucas asked

Fiona nervously giggled at what he said, then she replied,
"it's actually based on humour, I don't watch horror movies especially when I'm alone" she said

"What? You've got to try to watch one soon, maybe... with me?" He said

"Um... what?" I said, confused

"Nothing" he said, "just forget it, let's watch" he tried to make her forget about it

Fiona looked at him with a suspicious face in a playful way and he chuckled

"Ok, Ok, I want to watch a movie with you" he said, it was obvious he was nervous

"But we're watching one right now, together" Fiona replied him

"I mean like, alone, at a cinema" He said

"Aren't we alone now?" Fiona asked

"You think we are?" Lucas asked, Fiona nodded and Lucas shook his head

"Also, you're already dating Tina, wouldn't she be... angry?" Fiona asked

"Do you call what is happening between me and Tina dating? It's not, Tina has become such a control freak, she's behaving like she's a security camera"
"I've been wanting to break up with her ever since the third week of our relationship, but knowing how emotional she is, I haven't been able to"
"She has turned into a major problem in my life" Lucas explained

"Oh, well, that's surprising news" Fiona said, shocked

"It's fine if you don't want to go Watch a movie with me because of Tina" Lucas said, looking sad

"No no, I'll totally go, when?" Fiona asked

"How about next week Friday?" He said

"I'll be waiting then" Fiona replied him

"Ok, then, let's finish this movie" Lucas said

"Sure thing" Fiona replied

"Oh and how about, for the movie at the cinema, we watch a horror movie?" Lucas asked

"I don't know..." Fiona sounded quite unsure

"I'll be with you, don't worry, trust me, I'll be there with you, you've got me" Lucas reassured her

"Ok, I'll watch it with you" Fiona said, happy that Lucas would be with her, maybe even holding her when it gets to a really scary part.

A trip abroad जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें