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When I woke up or became conscious, the place I was in was very dark so I couldn't see anything, only a figure, but I wasn't sure if it was a human being or something else, but it was there.

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't still see the thing, so instead, I decided to face my reality, the fact that I was tied to a chair that felt like it was triple knotted because it felt impossible to escape.

As I was still there, tied to the chair, thinking of a way to untie myself and escape, I felt something coming towards me, but I didn't know what it was and I didn't feel like bothering about it.
Before I could do or say anything, I felt something untie my hands and feet. When I looked up, I could only see a dark figure near me and I felt kind of scared, when I was untied and free, I wanted to ask the figure,
"Who are you and why am I here?",but instead, what came out was,
"Mmh mmh", then I realised that I couldn't speak because my mouth was tied.
I pointed at my mouth hoping that the figure would help me untie it, but instead it carried something big and raised it up high into the air.

    As Fiona was still trying to get the figure to help her, it hit her on the head very hard which made her pass out, then it walked straight to the light switch and turned on the light, then he called his people and asked them what they wanted to do to get, but no one had any idea that wouldn't leave Fiona in a coffin.

Then one of them had an idea and decided to call their leader to help them or give them an idea of what they should do.
So they called their leader and he came, when he came, he looked at Fiona still unconscious with her mouth still tied and he smirked.

The men hailed him as he entered and they asked what they should do, he seemed to think about it for some time, before saying that they should keep her there for a very long time until they released her.

They agreed but also planned that they would take turns in coming out to give her food so she wouldn't starve and die, then the blood would be on their head, so they agreed.

When I opened my eyes, my head hurt really badly and the fact that my mouth was still tied made it hurt even more.
I think the boys thought that I was still unconscious so they didn't know that I could hear everything they were saying very clearly.
They were talking about me, they were saying something about leaving me in here for a long time and my head hurt even more on knowing this.

The worst part is that it was their leader that suggested it and when I took another closer look at him, I realised that I knew this guy so I tried to remember where I knew him from, as I was trying to do so, my head hurt more , I felt really faint but then I remembered where I knew him from...HE WAS ROGER!
I was so confused, is he the one who made them bring me here? I looked at my watch and oh my God! It was 6:00pm, I'm supposed to be at home by now but instead, I'm here in this abandoned uncompleted building wondering how I could possibly escape.

He looked towards my direction and I immediately closed my eyes, pretending to still me unconscious. He bought it and smiled a little, of course he would be happy. Him and his dangerous boys kept thinking of what they would do to me.

I heard that they were planning on taking turns to feed me and that made me angry because I felt like a dog.
But seriously, right now, I feel so hungry that I wouldn't care if they gave me my food in a bowl.

I got a call from my boys telling me that they had kidnapped Fiona and brought her to the uncompleted building, but they didn't know what to do with her"Idiots" I muttered angrily under my breath and I went there to meet those stupid boys of mine.
When I got there, they hailed me like this was some kind of joke or play.

I looked at Fiona just to make sure she was still unconscious and luckily, she was, so we discussed what we should do to her, I suggested that we keep her with us for a long time until she agrees to go back to her hometown in South Africa.
  We all agreed and we made up our minds that we would take turns (apart from me if course) in giving her food because we didn't want it to be our fault if she died.

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