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Dejuane had the nerve to spray me with a water gun
C: asshole keep playin
D: come get in the water
C: no I don't do that
D: but u jumped off the bridge
C: u right
Then andres high ass came over to me
C: ur high is incredible
A: thank you
I turn and see Paris doin the crybaby dance
C: look at ur niece
A: oh shit Juane
D: huh
A: ur daughter-
D: carissa imma beat yo ass teaching her thot shit she don't needa b like u
C: I'm not a thot
A: I'm saying she's a pimp
C: there's a difference
D: ok I'm ready to go
A: I'm so lost where are we going
D: mall
A: bet
Everyone dried off and we got in the car
J: I got a boner
C: I didn't need to kno
J: I think u do
C: Ansley suck it
An: I'm down
A: if ur gonna do it keep it quiet
C: just turn on music while they do that shit
Andre blasted crybaby and Ansley was putting in work
A: she really-
once we pulled up to the mall we went in PacSun and I picked out some clothes and Andre pulled me in dressing room
A: uh- yk
C: boy-
We had a quickie bc fuck it and I could barely walk but anyways I payed for my stuff and we walked with the others
D: why are u walking like Ansley
C: I hurt myself
An: no she had a quickie
C: she gave Justin top at the red light with me and Andre in the car
An: bitch shush
C: u just snitched on me
A: a quickie with who
C: don't even-
A: ok bitch
Me and Ansley went into Victoria secret and stuff
And then we were walking to find the boys and I heard Dejuane talking
An: what
D: no Mikey I'm telling you I only apologized so she would stop acting like a damn bitch
He continued to talk shit then kept calling me a slut and shit
C: come on
Me and Ansley walked passed Dejuane and we were walking out the mall when we bumped into Andre
A: where y'all goin
C: I'm goin home
Dj: bye mama
C: do u want to come
dj: very much yes
C: come on
A: wait what's wrong
C: nothing
J: Dejuane was talking shit
C: how did u-
J: he was talking shit to me too
C: whatever im goin home so I can call Kobe and cry
D: carissa
C: bye
Me and Ansley left and we got an Uber to the house I put dj down for a nap and went up to my room and locked the door and cried while looking out the window Then I heard someone come in my room and it was Andre
C: I really need to take that key away from u
A: anyways vent to daddy
C: ew called Ansley in here
He called Ansley
An: what
C: tell Andre what Dejuane said
Ansley said word for word what Dejuane said and it replayed in my head then Andre gave me a hug from behind
A: ur gonna b ok
C: sure after the love of my life just said that
J: damn I'm hurt
C: omg get out
J: look dejuanes here
C: great
I hung my head low and tears rolled down my face and fell on my thighs and I looked and seen dejuanes name
C: lemme just answer the fucking door
I walked out the room and I sat on the floor and rolled down the stairs
Ac: fat ass get off the floor
C: not rn ac
D: uh-
Ac: well anyways we go get to go back to school
C: wait what
Ac: yeah dumbass
C: wait I'm pregnant
Ac: you'll have the Baby b4 we even go back
C: finally I can get out of this hell hole
Ac: atl isn't even bad
C: ik but I get attached get my heart broken
Over nd over
A: that's tuff
C: omg go back upstairs
D: Um I just came to drop the kids off
C: great more badasses to take care off I just want to b aloneeeee I can't get privacy damn it
A: I don't leave u alone bc if I do u will sit in ur room not eat and cry over a bitch ass nigga bruh
C: just slide the food under my door like u always did
A: no
Then Kobe called And he was crying
C:what's wrong
K: I'm dying carissa I'm literally dying
C: what the doctor say
K: there's a high chance I won't make it
C: kobeeee
K: bruh what do I do
C: don't give up fight u never gave up b4
K: my chest hurts like fuck
C: just fight Kobe I love you
K: love you too
End of call
I threw my phone at across the room causing it to break the tv
C: fuck
Ac: dumb ass I was watching that
D: I'm so confused
C: I've been hiding the pain all day and now i can't do it my brother is dying and I can't do anything abt it
I got up and and ran outside
I rand down the street while crying till the pain was gone once I got tired I sat on the ground smoking my last blunt then I got an Uber back to my house and I unlocked the door and everyone was there dejuanes mom my mom Elizabeth becky angel all them and they were all laughing
C: great
I started to go upstairs
Ac: I got edibles
C: not Rn
A: since when u do u pass down edibles
C: u right give me the gushers
I started to eat but then I remembered
C: wait why is she here
A: don't start
J: she's gonna start
C: Monroe I need you out along with ur ugly ass bf Dejuane along with ur bald headed twin Elizabeth
D: what did I do to u
C: cheat with Ansley cheat with my sister r-
D: ok I get it but did I do something
An: "she's a slut for messing with Andre" "I only apologized so she would stop acting like a damn bitch" "shes loose" "she's messed with every nigga" I can go on
Dejuane looked at ansley
Mi: "idk why I let her have my kids"
J: "I never really liked her"
A tear rolled down my face
A: carissa um just go upstairs ansley go with her
Me and Ansley went upstairs and I started to cry hard as fuck
An: do u want to b alone
C: yes pls
Ansley left and I locked the door and cried on my floor for hours Andre slid food under the door and I ate then I let him in
A: u look sick
C: ik but it's fine
A: im sorry
C: U didn't do anything
A: ik but I just feel like I should apologize
C: it's fine Dre I'm ok
A: Juane wants to talk to u only if u want to
C: nah not rn
A: k
Andre laid next to me and we watched movies then I fell asleep on his chest

Part 2 toxic love and football Where stories live. Discover now