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C: I don't kno if I wanna go or not I feel like Atlanta is my home and duke is my dream school and I don't wanna throw all that work Justin did for me to get in down the drain
An: your choice Justin will understand
I walked outside walking down the street till I got to Justin's house and he was outside
C: can we talk
Justin: sure But I literally just came from ur house
C: ik so yk how u basically got me into duke
Justin: you don't wanna go
C: I just feel like Atlanta is my home and as much as I want to go I have a life here
Justin: it's fine just b there to support me and Monte
C: ofc
Justin grabbed my face and kissed me I kissed back and we started making out but then we pulled away and realized
Justin: I'm sorry
C: it's fine but I gotta go b4 they start wondering
Justin: alr
I walked back home and sat back on the couch
C: ughhhh
An: what
C: I made out with Justin
An: oh-
D: huh
C: I'm sorry it was just I was looking at his lips he kissed me and just
D: u went over there to kiss him
C: no I went over there to talk abt duke
D: k
A: I ship y'all tho
D: bitch that's mine
C: purr
D: but um we need to talk
C: shhh not rn
D: k
Dejuane went upstairs and I talked to everyone for awhile then I went upstairs and Dejuane was crying
C: what's wrong
D: don't worry about it
C: wait tell me
D: wen I said I needed to talk to you it was about me moving a away for a while and putting us on pause for abt a month
C: I haven't seen you in a month
D: I know but it's for work and I think it will b good for me personally yk
C: I understand
D: i leave tmr
C: really
D: yeah
C: where to tho
D: Texas
C: ok
D: well I should go bc the flight is early and it's kinda late and I wanna sleep
C: ok I love you
D: I love you too
He hugged me and we stayed like that for the longest then I leaned in and kissed him as a tear rolled down my face then we pulled away and he talked to the kids abt where he was going
D: I'm sorry to leave you here with Ezra
C: it's fine
He left and another tear rolled down my face

2 months later
I haven't seen Dejuane since or really talked to him bc I wanted to let him do what he's doing but I'm suppose to see him today

*3rd person pov*
While carissa was sleeping Dejuane tip toed in and laid next to her and fell asleep as well 2 hours later carissa woke up and seen Dejuane and wrapped his arms around her Then he woke up
*back to first person pov*
D: hi
I smashed our lips tg and he just smiled
D: I missed you
C: I missed you too
D: how u been
C: good but not good
D: wassup
C: yesterday was dameans 3 months
D: I'm sorry
C: it's fine
D: how are the kids
C: good
D: um I got another tat
C: lemme see
It was on his neck and it's the date we first met
C: I love it
D: ik you would now I haven't seen you in 2 months or miss Keisha down there so come on
C: ok perv
We did the nasty blah blah then we went downstairs
A: do you kno whats in 2 weeks
C: our wedding
A: purr that's why me Justin and Ansley are here to help
C: yeah we are not doing this
A: we are
C: I was thinking me and Dejuane just go up to the court house get married then have a reception so we get married alone then y'all mfs are there to party
D: whatever she wants
A:you take the fun out of things
J: ong


Part 2 toxic love and football Where stories live. Discover now