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During the last week carissa was in atl she spent time with everyone they went to the water park the movies constantly smoke and drank ofc just spent as much time together

Me and dejuanes flight is in a hour we already payed rent for the first Month on the house I was finish packing the kids stuff and I made sure I had everything
I threw all my shit down the stairs
C: omg I hate saying bye I'll see y'all soon
Paris: I don't want to leave
C: don't even worry there is some cute boys in Cali
Dejuane hit me with his suitcase
D: don't start
Paris: cute boys I'm in
C: as you should
Dj walked over to ansley and gave her the longest hug ever
C: wait I wanna cry now that's his bsfffff
D: ew emotions let's go
A: see I'm lucky I don't have to say bye yet I'm taking them to the air port
J: rissa where's my hug at
I gave Justin a hug and he kissed my head
J: go ahead go crazy for me
C: for sureeee ac let's go
Ac: yeah yeah bye bitches
An: imma miss ac the most
C: damnn that tuff
I flicked everyone off and walked out the house with lively I'm my arms and we got in the car and drove to the airport once we got there Andre gave me a king ass hug
A: why am I crying imma b seeing u like every week
C: don't blow all ur money on flights just ft me and when u come bring Ansley and Justin
A: ofc Love you kid
C: love you to Dre
Me Dejuane and the kids entered the airport and waited for out flight to b called then we got on and Dejuane and Ac got stuck with all the kids I got stuck between 2 fine niggasssss
C: acccc I'm winning rn
D: ykw don't talk to me
C: I'm kidding
Ac: look to yo right blonde hair
C: she's badddddd
A: onggg
Nigga #1: wassgood ma
C: accccc
Dj: inclusion this is gonna start a problem later
C: ikrrr
Me and nigga #1 had a great convo on the way their and the second nigga fell asleep on my shoulder
D: ik u is not still talking to this man
C: relax
D: don't tell me to relax I've been listening to ur son go on and on bat our relationship
Ac: y'all is too much we almost in Cali we can go into the house settle down and meet coach for the first time in like idek
C: after we talk to coach u tryna run some plays
Ac: yes wait no let's play me you vs Dejuane and nick Tyson can watch the kids
C: bet
D: "bet" get ur friend to play
C: omg I'll stop taking to him happy now
D: yes I am
Then we landed and the other nigga woke up and we a convo but then me and Dejuane got off the plane with ac we got an Uber to the house and we threw all our shit on the floor and nick and Tyson were alr der
C: great to b back the Cali air
Hen: mom
C: huh
Hen: dj is goin on and on again
C: sit ur lil ass down later
Dj: wait just wait "so u and that dude"
D: so U and that dude
C: just like ur damn daddy bruh It was nothing just having a convo ok
Dj: "mhm"
D: mhm
C: dj u gotta b stopped
N: k how we doing rooms
C: I get the one in the corner u get that one ac gets that one ty gets that one Dejuane gets the one near the kitchen and the kids get that one
D: dumbass u thought we sharing a room
C: well shit I'll just use it as a closet
Ty: our closet bc our clothes combined will fill it up
C: problem solved we need groceries I trust nick ordering those we got bed alr so we need basic house needs now
We went to the store while Dejuane watched the kids bc we share a room and I what it how I want it
Once we got there I got led lights stuff for the bathroom and the kitchen and I got blankets and stuff then we payed and went back to the house and I put everything up in my room and it was perfect and Dejuane put the groceries away and I put the plates and stuff in the cabinets
C: why did we get all this stuff we always eat out-
Ac: u banned us from eating out u started cooking remember
C: so I got to cook clean towels care of 10 of u
D: yep
C: I got 10 kids plus a house Y'all are hell
N: y'all ready to go down to the field
C: yes ty ur watching the kids on the bleachers sir
Ty: thanks alottttt
C: yw
I went to the room and grabbed the cleats mar gave me and I changed quickly
And Dejuane changed also and we left and went to the field and played and I started to kick and it felt good to back on the field then Hennessy came to the field
And she kicked the ball and it went abt 5 feet
C: father than ur dad so good
D: shut up
Ac: hen goin some where
C: ik we can put ur dad in a nursing home and me and u can move to bora bora
D: y'all piss me off sometimes
C: good
I picked up hen and carried her back to ty
And we practiced a lil more then I let ty take my spot and I watched the kids after we went home and took showers
D: what's for dinner
C: there's ramen down there
N: cook something
C: no
N: I'll call Monroe over here
C: fineeee what do you want
Ac: dem tacos u made
C: omg that's so much work
Ac: do it
I made the tacos and gave them to everyone and I have the kids their food and I fed lively and I finally got to eat and Monroe walked through the door
D: I didn't do it this time
C: u called her anyways
N: yes
I threw my plate across the room
Ac: new house and u alr fucking shit up
I walked to my room and closed the door
And I called mar
Mar: hey mffff
C: hi
Mar: what's wrong
C: nick just pissed me off
Mar: lmaoooo I made sales in Ohio
C: yay cash app me my cut
Mar: ok
Then Dejuane opened the door
C: go away
D: are u good
C: yes I'm fine
D: k
Dejuane left the room
Mar: what did nick do
C: he called Monroe beggin ass over here
And I threw my plate across the room and now I'm hungry again
I walked out the the kitchen and everyone was staring at me
C: now they staring at me bruh
Mar: bc u threw a plate across the room was it glass
C: yes
Mar: id stare at u too dumb ass
C: now their whispering
I made more tacos and I started eat while talking to mar then Monroe asked if she could have some
Mar: did she just ask for a taco
C: yes sure u care
I took my taco and shoved it in Monroe's faces then threw the plate at her
Mar: stop breaking shit
Dejuane had the nerve to help Monroe off the floor
C: mar he did not help this bitch off the floor
Mar: who
C: Dejuane
Mar: what the fuck
C: I'm still hungry bruh and I don't have any more meat for tacos
Mar: make a salad
C: ima make sure to make it in a glass bowl
Mar: go ahead
I made my salad in a glass bowl and began eating
Mar: they gon piss you off again
C: no they aren't bc look
I walked over to the boys and slapped each of their plates out of their hand then stepped on their tacos
And they just stared at me
Mar: who gone get all that glass up
C: idk I'm not and dejuanes gonna have to get it up bc he's sleeping on the couch
Mar: don't make him sleep on the couch
C: why is Monroe still here bruh get out
I went to my room and slammed the door and locked it
Mar: gurllll
C: now one of them is knocking on the door
Mar: go see
I opened the door and it was Tyson
C: what
Ty: are u good
C: yes
I pushed ty out the room and I talked to mar for a bit then we ended the call and I went to the kids room and I gave them a bath an lively a bath separately then I put her in the crib we have in my room and I tucked the kids in and dj was still goin on and on
Dj: u and nick would b cute tho
C: do u ever not talk abt me
Dj: no
I gave them kisses and they're anted to talk to Dejuane and I was trying to avoid them but I went out the the living room
C: ur kids want u
Dejuane talked to them then kissed them and turned the light off and cracked the door
C: goodnight Tyson and Ac
Ac: night
Ty: night ugly
D: good night Rissa
I just looked at him and laughed and went into my room and followed me
D: I love you
C: k turn the light off
Dejuane tried to kiss em me but I turned the other way he just turn the light off grabbed a blanket and his charger and left And I drifted to sleep

Damn rissa

Part 2 toxic love and football Where stories live. Discover now