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The whole time they were talking I was texting the gc and they had me dying we was bull shittin And I was smiling hard asl
C: she really said discombobulated deer
C: she look like she gotta shit
Ja: she always look like that that
Kay: y'all look at dis
He sent a list of our orders and wen I tell you it was long
C: purrr we in our bag
Kay: periodttttt
Ja: Ok y'all just look
He sent dejuanes old ass sex tape
We all started laughing
I couldn't control my self
C: "what hole does it go in"
C: it's was so small omg
C: nigga it grew from then
D: what are you laughing at
C: them
A: always smiling at ur phone
D: lemme see
C: nigga no
Everyone stared at me
C: bitch what
A: bitch at least let me see
I showed Andre the vid and Ansley and Justin watched and they also died like it did
An: bye
C: anyways imma go find trey songz addy
An: let me help
C: he can rape me like Dejuane did
An: ong
A: y'all are stupid
C: thanks
We chilled then we went to my moms and Kobe and Vallyk gave us presents then we had dinner there

Part 2 toxic love and football Where stories live. Discover now