•Chapter 19~ Decisions•

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Weeks had passed, so much happned in such little time. I had no idea what to do. It felt like if I had a choice between some of the biggest in my life, it felt like i was getting chosen to save the world everyday and kept failing, where was I even going I needed to fix things, make decisions and attend Lisa's wedding. My gosh, I had finally realized I had more to take care of, then what I could handle. I was only 25 and facing all of this drama. Last week when the funeral was held it felt even more difficult was it my fault should I have spent more time with her?!? I looked at tae even though he was still sleeping, I haven't even though about what was going on in his mind. Tae finally woke up. "Oh, morning." I said. "Morning." He replied. "Jennie doesn't our plane leave in 3hours. Lets get going, let me get dressed and pack- oh you've already packed for me?" He said. I nodded, he grabbed some clothes and went to get dressed.
We were finally ready and headed on the plane back to Korea. Once we arrived we took a taxi back to my house and back to his, it was freezing outside as the wind blowed smoothly through my hair. I waved bye to tae as he took the taxi to his house.
                       Tae Pov
"Oh my gosh I got to get in fast, Dad is going to be so mad" As I said to myself, I knew he was going to be mad like crazy, I was already on his bad side already, I ran into the house as I tipped the taxi driver and ran to the door opening it as fast as I could, I felt the wind blow across my face as my hair started blowing. "Oh hi Taehyung." Jisoo said while she greeted me. "I prepared your bed as you were gone." "Your father is quite angry with you." She added. I ran up stairs as she collected my luggage, I knew I got myself into some pretty bad stuff, I slammed the door as quietly as I could so Dad couldn't know I was home. I got into my room and all I heard was footsteps. Dear gosh, I was scared like heck! I'm nothing compared to him. I heard the sound of the door opening and it was Dad I just sat on my bed. "SO YOU THOUGH IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO LEAVE TO A WHOLE COUNTRY HUH! HUH!" My Dad yelled as he slapped me across the face. "HOW ARE YOU MY SON, ITS LIKE THIS BUSINESS MEANS NOTHING TO YOU. IM FED UP WITH YOU." My Dad yelled. I was speachless, he grinned he felt like the devil was standing right before my eyes. Let's face it I was out of the business for sure. I can't believe my cousin Seok-Jin was going to be the new company leader and not me! I messed up big time and I couldn't fix it, gosh what was I gonna do. Why, just why did I think she would fall for me when I told her everything. I was so rude to her that she didn't want me back, I'm the reason she got fired and was so upset for a couple years, becuase of me! Tears fell down my face as my father screamed. It was like I relieved my childhood all over again, it felt like a horror movie really. He was a monster in disguise. I didn't want a different job I was rich, well know and there was one thing I was missing it was love, and didn't have that one thing and that made me as tough as I am. People always described me as cold, and rude. Yet I could never say they were wrong, finally my world's last piece had crashed down, every single piece. "You've done it son, you wrecked your reputation and why on earth am I calling you son. I meant Taehyung." He said. I was starting to piece together why my sister never came back, I was so dumb I could have let this go along time ago.  "Go to bed you disgrace. " He said as he slapped me again in the face as a red mark stayed there. More tears came down my face. He immediately laughed as he walked out my room as he carried his glass of red wine. I started sobbing. Maybe Jennie was right I could always live up to my dreams.

(Sorry for the short chapter I've been busy with school so I have been trying to fit in writing my book.)

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