•Chapter 3~ going crazy•

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Jennie finally got home, still in shock. She had thought taehyung had left town, just to find out he was still in town. She sighed. "I should talk to him next time!" She said unsure. She told herself no. "UGH!" She took her phone of the side table in her house, and called her friend yeji.


Jennie~"I need your help."

Yeji~"What did you get yourself into?"

Jennie~"So i-i- saw tae at the cafe.."

Yeji~"SAY WHAT NOW! But don't make your move i got to go."


Jennie picked up the J&T locket near her phone and placed it on her neck. "Tae I'm so crazy in love with you." She said while placing her iphone 6 on the couch. "Why!" "Why! Did he breakup with me!" Tears slowy poured on her face, and she sat on the couch. Slowy getting her shirt wet. "WHY DOESN'T HE LOVE ME!" She started sobbing, she slowy sniffed her nose. "I got work to do." She walked to her bedroom and put on some black and white pajamas and turned off her florescent night light. Then headed to bed.

•Crazy in Love• Taennie• Where stories live. Discover now