•Chapter 18~In The Sky Waiting•

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It, was early in the morning, and I had completely forgot Tae had brought his dog in the hotel. Taehyung was up already just watching videos with his dog! Awe!! I woke, up and and rubbed my eyes, I yawned pretty loudly catching taehyung's attention. "Oh, you're awake?" Tae asked. "Yeah." I added. "I ordered breakfast already!" Tae said in a cute voice. "Oh, that's good." I said while I yawned. I walked into the bathroom at our hotel and got dressed.
"You done, your food is gonna get cold?" Tae asked. "Yep!", "But I got some bad news, we have to attend the funeral, for my Mom today." I said, "Today?" Tae questioned, "Oh, I didn't know thought it would be next week or something?!" He added. I sighed lifted the air, as I could tell the he was in such a good mood, until I told him that. Ugh. "Sorry, I had to tell you the bad news." I said. "It's fine, I just wanted to make you into a good mood." He said, "You did?", "That's really sweet of you, but we should get ready." I said.
We were finally ready, as we took a taxi to the funeral all I had on my mind was Mom, this year was a horrible year and this really added the cherry on top of it all. We walked out of the taxi as taehyung paid him, we sat down as we were sitting in the first row. The priest came up and stood near the coffin and started the ceremony, off with a prayer and begun my head immediately dropped down, becuase of how sad I was. Taehyung wrapped his arm around my shoulder as tears feel down my face, I saw Lisa and Jungkook in the third row as I rose my head same with, Rosé I saw her with jimin her boyfriend and I saw a couple of my friends like this guy I met called hoesok.
I few hours had passed and the priest asked everyone to go to her coffin and say bye. Once it was me and tae's tears dropped down my face as I mumbled the words good bye and I love you, knowing that I hadn't been able to spend time with her before she died. We walked out and me tae, rosé, jimin, lisa and Jungkook got to catch up. We headed back to the hotel and slept, as we were exhausted.

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