A Sous Chef, An Insult and A Perfect Hiding Spot

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Marinette hurried home the next day after class. She barely had time to take a shower and change before she and Adrien had to leave for her parent's house.

Sabine gave each of them a big hug as they walked in through the door. "Oh sweetie, we miss you so much!" she said to her daughter.

"I miss you too, Maman," she replied.

"Oh Adrien, why did you have to steal my little girl away from us!" Sabine continued.

Adrien laughed into the hug. "I'm really sorry about that, but I'm afraid that I'm not returning her."

She laughed. "Well, just know that I wouldn't give her up for anyone less worthy."

"Thanks Sabine," he smiled.

"Now come on, let's go upstairs. Tom is almost done cooking." She led them up to the living room. "Tom, Marinette and Adrien are here!" she called to her husband.

Tom came out of the kitchen and went right up to Adrien. He slapped a hand to his back, almost causing him to fall over. "Adrien, my boy! How are things?"

"Everything's great," he replied, trying his best to straighten back up under the weight of Tom's hand.

"And how are classes going, sweetie?"

"They're going okay. There's been a lot of assignments lately but I'm hanging in there."

"Good to hear! Now why don't you two sit at the table. I'll be out with dinner in a minute," Tom told them.

"Need any help?" Adrien asked hopefully.

He chuckled. "Of course! You know I love having my sous chef with me!"

"And I'd be absolutely grilled to help out," he joked.

"Are you sure that you're not too fried from work?" Tom asked, a bigger smile taking over his face.

"Don't worry, I'm not supper tired today."

"Good, it will give us a chance to ketchup on things."

"I'm so glad that we could make the thyme for this!" Adrien replied as the two men went to the kitchen, leaving Marinette and her mother alone.

Sabine shook her head in amusement. "So how's it been living at Adrien's?" she asked, turning to her daughter.

"It's been great so far," Marinette gushed. "We're really happy."

She clapped her hands together. "How wonderful! But just so you know, you're always welcome back here if you change your mind. Not that I expect you to, of course."

"Thanks, Maman."

"You're welcome," Sabine replied. "Well let's set the table while the boys finish with the cooking."

Marinette nodded and they got to work. By the time they were done, dinner was ready and the four of them sat down at the table together.

"Thank you for having us over tonight," Adrien said as they started eating. "We always enjoy being here."

"You know that the pleasure is ours," Tom replied. "I have to admit, we've been a little sad lately since Marinette moved out. But we know that she's in good hands," he added, winking at him.

"Papa, you're going to make me cry!" Marinette exclaimed.

"Oh sweetie, don't you worry about us. We're fine. Plus, I have a feeling that Adrien would try to kidnap you if we made you come back home."

Adrien laughed. "You know me too well, Tom."

Laughter made its way around the table before Sabine spoke. "Marinette tells us that you were shooting a new commercial. How did that go?"

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