Pink Procrastinators

37 3 0

Warnings: Implied kidnapping, explosions, slight self deprecation

Ex was confused.

They had woken up, their first night in season seven, to a glowing number and date on their hand. It was confusing, Ex watching the slow number tick down on the palm of his hand. Was he getting banned? No, this hadn't happened before, so what was happening? They nervous and stressed, unsure what to do. They couldn't talk to anyone about it, so Ex was watching as The clock slowly ticked down, each day the feeling of dread continuing to grow as the date drew near.


NPG was still in the closet, playing with a few spare wooden blocks, a glow on their arm attracted their attention, it wasn't the faint red glow that the redstone circuit gives off, it was a deep purple, it reminded them of Grian's wings, but a way darker shade.

NPG was confused on what it meant, it counted down slowly, with it, there was a small helmet drawing along with it, glowing a deep dark red. They rubbed the image, and it didn't go off. They don't understand it, maybe it symbolized the day when Grian will visit again? Maybe it meant the day that they will finally be free? Maybe, it's just false hope, maybe it meant their death, they don't know.

Giving a sigh, they headed back to testing the few wooden blocks they had. Nothing really mattered.


Ex stumbles through the forest, aimlessly traveling from place to place to find a Hermit to annoy. It seemed that Xisuma had placed them away from all of the Hermits, knowing what they would do when they awoke.

As Ex wandered around the empty area, they spotted a house in the distance.

It was too simplistic to be a Hermits, but too complicated to not be someone they associate with. So, sucking in a deep breath, Ex snuck closer to the mysterious build. 

They saw... a Grian-? A Grian who looked as if they were replaced with outdated technology.

They stalked closer to the mysterious Grian lookalike, when they suddenly turned towards them jaggedly, movements mechanical like.


The evil clone was taken aback, the being in front of them seemed to not understand how to be quiet.

"I'm," they thought if they should say their real name for a moment," Ex. Nice to meet you. What are you stances on the Hermits?"

"I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST THE HERMITS AS OF NOW. BUT I DO NOT LIKE GRIAN. GRIAN TRAPPED NPG IN CLOSET FOR LONG TIME." The other shouted. Ex winced at the loud noise, but eyes sparkling when they heard the other did like Grian.

"If I help you... get revenge on Grian... could we possibly form an alliance of some sort?" They asked.


Ex winced once again at the volume, though confusion glossed their eyes at one word.


They liked the sound of that.


Days turned to months and soon enough the two were closer than ever.

The dates on their arms had came, and the realized exactly what day it was. 

The day the server broke apart.

An explosion had occurred, and Hermits quickly blamed each other for it. No one knew the actual cause of it, everyone turned against each other off of pure speculation.

No one trusted each other, and one by one the Hermits disappeared, trapped in single player worlds.

Score: 8

Writing Championships #4Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang