Chapter Twelve; The (Family) Gathering

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(Your POV)

All of a sudden a shadow rises up behind William.

I look behind Will and gasp in shock. The shadow is inhumanly tall. Will sees me looking behind him and turns around quickly.

"So this is where you've been." An electronic voice says from the darkness. The shadow limps into the light. Sickly skin that is almost purple in color shows underneath the dim light; almost like the blood underneath was pressed to the surface and never dried. The abomination has tight skin encasing an obviously robotic body that's too big for the skin it inhabits. Purple eyes linger on Will for a bit before sliding over to y/n.

"Found yourself a new victim dad? I thought you were better than that." The jumbled voice glitches and changes pitch like it's struggling to find what its real voice should sound like. The thing steps closer.

Will, despite having no way of showing facial expressions, looks shocked. Two and two connected in y/n's head. This was his son. But what was he doing here?

Silence permeated the air in a thick fog that was almost impossible to break. But William gained enough strength to quietly say, "What happened to you, Michael?"

The monstrosity that was now named shook its head in jolts as if he were annoyed. "You do know what you programmed those robots to do in Sister location, correct? Those sick creations? What went through your fucked up head to even THINK that it was okay to lure those kids to their deaths?" As he talked he inched closer like he was stalking prey. The room was so small he had to hunch over to fit in it.

Will stutters and backs up. His arms creak as he puts them up in defense. "I-I wasn't thinking. I didn't know what I was doing! Death made me realize how morbid I was, I swear!" His raspy voice raised in volume as he tried to defend his past actions.

A loud bang sounds from Michael when he slams his mangled fist into Will. His head spins to the right and he stumbles back. Michael steps closer. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY YOU ARE INNOCENT! WHAT YOU DID IS ABSOLUTELY TWISTED AND IN NO WAY IS IT FORGIVABLE!" His voice echoes in the small room leaving an eerie silence behind it.

Unbeknownst to them, y/n snuck out during the fight. Their screams echoing through the hallways right back to where she was. The dining room had never been comforting in any way until now. Although it was dark there was an almost serene feeling to the room. The janitor never cleaned as often as he should, she noticed. Crumbs and various debris were scattered on the table with questionable stains that smelled and looked like they were never coming off.

She sighed while the fight continued on in the distance. There wasn't much she could do. Between her and them she was like a beetle to a spider. Maybe she wasn't cut out for this job.


"What's wrong with you? You gave me that stupid job in the first place! Didn't you know that place was a death trap? This thing that's in me. YOU programmed it to kill people!"

"I know what I did but I keep trying to tell you, Michael! I wasn't okay! You should have seen that. I can't make an excuse to prove what I did was okay but I need you to forgive me!"

"FORGIVE YOU?! Don't put the blame on me when you know what you did. How would I have known? I was seventeen, Dad. I was too busy trying to make you proud to see how fucked up everything was!"

~y/n pov~~

A melancholy laugh slips from between her lips. "What am I doing?" She flicks a piece of confetti off of the table. Y/n was so used to a normal life. Being thrown into all of this was so difficult for her. She wonders what exactly went through her head when she decided to let Will live with her. Maybe it was the lack of friends?

Creaking sounds off from behind her. A slow steady pace continues for a bit before stopping. She doesn't turn around. She doesn't want to deal with anyone right now. Just then something occurs to her.

"Wait a minute. How is that possible? They're still fighting." She sharply inhales and looks behind herself with dread.

A blood-curdling scream rings throughout the building.

The Aftons immediately stop arguing and look around the room. Will looks through the cameras rapidly and sees no signs of y/n anywhere. The more seconds they don't hear anything, the more worried he gets.

"Where did y/n go?"


Authors' notes: In this universe Michael is his own being, he was an only child. The other Afton children don't exist. Ennard was actually a complete animatronic.

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