Chapter Eleven; Death Trap

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(Your POV)

I ran to the office as fast as I could, hearing William's heavy clanking steps following close behind me. He skidded to a stop in the office. The shift has officially started.

The phone rings immediately as soon as the clock shows 00:01. Scott spoke:

"Uhh, Hello? Hello? I-I won't talk quite as long this time since Uhh, it might be a good idea to peek at those cameras while I talk just to make sure everyone's in their proper place. You know...

Uh... Interestingly enough, so, hey, I guess that's one more reason, right? Uh, you might only have a few seconds to react... Uh, not that you would be in any danger, of course. I'm not implying that. I guess he doesn't like being watched. I don't know. Anyway, I'm sure you have everything under control! Uh, talk to you soon."

"WHAT THE FUCK SCOTT!!!!!" I shout at the phone hoping that he can hear my rage. That guy is terrible at training employees.

With all of this information, my mind goes wild. How was one person to keep an eye on all of these animatronics? It was like they expected me to up and die. But let's get back to the main topic here. THERE ARE FOUR ANIMATRONICS I NEED TO KEEP TRACK OF. I turn to William with a look that screams 'I need help, I might be deceased soon.' He walks over and says he'll keep an eye out for me and that he'll close the doors when needed.

The first animatronic to move was Bonnie. I immediately knew that he would be the most troublesome one based on the way his eyes somehow held so much mischief. As soon as I had seen the bunny move, I lost it. Slowly, he turned to the camera. When he finally stopped, his eyes moved up to look at me through the screen. His unblinking eyes were unsettling beyond belief. A minute or two later I saw the animatronic climb down off of the stage. I followed him the best I could with the cameras, he was surprisingly agile for a machine. Not long after I saw him stop right in the party room, again, staring at the camera. Will had been looking through the open doors wearily behind me while I followed the rabbit. In a shocking break of the suffocating silence, he said, "Check on Pirate's Cove, I have a feeling Bonnie is trying to distract you."

I quickly tap the icon for Pirate's Cove. The only evidence of Foxy being there was a sign that read 'Out of Order.' The stage curtains were wide open with no fox in sight. I hear William curse under his breath behind me. I jump when the door to my left closes with a loud thud. Almost as soon as the door closed, rapid yet rhythmic tapping of metal sounded through the hall. I switched the camera frantically to the left hallway and saw Foxy sprinting to the office we were in. I let out a cry of fear (referenceee) and whip my head to the left to look in horror at the closed door. Deafening bangs resonate throughout the office as the animatronic fox so desperately tries to knock the door down. A strangled electronic shriek sounds through the barrier and he gives up with a resounding strike to the door. I sit still in shock for a few seconds. I quickly snap out of it to make sure he left on the cameras while William waited to open the door. There, on the camera, the curtains were closed again. I let out a breath of relief and look at William. He opens the door with a sigh.

Suddenly I start hyperventilating. "Why did he do that? What is wrong with this place? Do the others run? Am I going to die? What if-" my onslaught of panicked questions are brought to a halt when William raises a finger to shush me. "We'll talk about it after the shift. Right now we need to worry about you surviving the night (boom another reference). Just try to relax the best you can and focus." He states reassuringly, as his slightly panicked voice faded into a gentle one. His ears fell forward a bit and his eyes had a soft yet warm glow to them as they transfixed to mine. I take a few deep breaths and try to relax my tensed shoulders.

All of a sudden a shadow rises up behind William.

To be continued... ;3

~ I wanted to say I'm sorry for taking so long with this chapter. I had really bad writer's block and got stuck lol. I am also sorry for it being shorter than they usually are. I hope this works for you. lemme know who you think it is behind William ~

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