Chapter Three; I Don't Want To Anymore

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I barely got a wink of sleep that entire night.

I soon jolt awake upon hearing my alarm scream right in my ear. I look to my right to catch a glimpse of the time. Groaning, I drag myself to the bathroom before snatching a toothbrush along with squirting some of the minty dental flavor on the brush's tips.

I grumble some song lyrics that pop into my head through my toothpaste filled mouth, "Bitch lasagna... bitch lasagna... look at T-Series, they just cryin' for their momma..." I look at my watch lazily, "Fucking shit, it's already 11:36. "

I spit out the foamy toothpaste and rinse. I run to my room and fumble with my work uniform. I felt myself fall back onto the bed, my arms draped across my face as I sighed. I then lifted my elbow up, staring up at the ceiling in deep thought.

The events that passed my mind filled me with an extreme sense of uneasy, knowing full well that there's no way a human would go back to something that horrifying.

What was I supposed to do then?

I couldn't just quit; that money was my ticket out of this smelly apartment and into somewhere I could finally call my own.

So, I decided to do the only reasonable thing left; call up the manager and ask them to give me a little more time before my shift starts. The manager hesitantly agreed, giving me until one am to get to the amusement park. I thanked him, letting him hang up.


The time he gave me was enough to get my head back into the game. Retrieving my uniform before throwing it on, I then raced out of my house as fast as could, so I could get to work with the time I was given. I made it with a minute to spare.

I exhaled a sigh of relief as my shift started and I settled as much as I could into my office once more. The events I tried to push away came swirling back while I unknowingly glared at the window in front of me.

Sure, experiencing something so insane like that definitely allowed me to tell the manager, but all they did was reassure me that it was just a hallucination caused by the ventilation system.

Yeah, that seems like a logical explanation, and hell, maybe it was, but it felt too real to be just a, quote on quote, "hallucination".

I tried to calm my raging nerves, feeling my heart rate pumping up and down. Once I felt my chest slow after finally convincing myself that it could be like the manager said, I suited myself up for another night. I then let out a low growl as I waited for that stupid pot-head's voice. But it never came. Instead, a less annoying voice came from the phone.

"Uh, hello hello! Uh, for today's lesson we will be continuing our training on proper suit handling technique.

When using an animatronic as a suit, please ensure that the animatronic parts are tightly compressed and fastened by the springlocks located around the inside of the suit.

It may take a few moments, to position your head and torso between these parts in a manner where you can move and speak.

Try not to nudge or press against any of the spring locks inside the suit. Do not touch the springlocks at any time. Do not breathe on the springlocks, as moisture may loosen them, and cause them to break loose. In the case that the spring locks come loose while you are wearing the suit, please try to maneuver away from populated areas before bleeding out, as not to ruin the customer experience.

As always if there is ever an emergency, please note there's a designated safe room. Every location is built with one extra room that is not included in the digital map layout programmed in the animatronics or security systems. This room is hidden to customers, invisible to animatronics, and is always off-camera.

As always, remember to smile. You are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."

Why?! Why are these people like this? Are they flat out insane or something?!

I scream in my head. I hear loud and heavy footsteps. I check the cameras, seeing him in Cam 9. In fear, I start to hyperventilate. I press the audio button to which it replies with a 'hello'. The creature stood there confused, not knowing where the sound came from. I sigh with relief just as the camera turns to static. Shit shit shit! I panic as the screen goes back on but the monster isn't there. Flipping from screen to screen, I finally find him. Cam 5. I spammed the audio on Cam 9 but he didn't seem to move. In a panic, I skim through each camera but with no avail. I hear a thumping noise, like metal against metal. I look at the cameras and remember what the stoner told me. I press the toggle screen button and lo and behold, I can see inside the vents!

"Alright, where are you you smelly bunny fucker?" I mumble to myself. After flicking through the cams a few times, I found the hellish thing. Vent 13. Fuck!!!! I go to close the vent but it's too late, he was out and staring me dead in the eyes. The ventilation alarm suddenly started blaring. The air started to become thicker and I started to cough. I-I gotta turn off the vents... I go to tap the fix ventilation switch as my vision goes blurry and dark. Finally pressing the button, the device beeps a few times as the air thins back to its original state. My sight becomes clearer when I notice that the monstrosity is gone from the front window. I quickly glance at my watch to see it is 05:10. My heart rate increased and my breath quickened. I turn my head to see the grotesque being peering in the doorway. Trying not to take my eyes off the gross bunny thing, I sound audio in Cam 2. He freezes from his idling stance and looks in the direction of the noise. After playing the sound again, still not taking my eyes off him, he moves towards the sound. Finally, I thought that thing would never leave. My watch finally beeps six times to tell me to get the fuck out of there. Grabbing my bag, I go to walk out the door. Before I do, however, I stop, feeling a sense of sadness in the air. I shake it off as my senses being out of whack since I was almost killed. I walk out the door and lock it, walking to my black 2001 Nissan Maxima, unable to shake the feeling that something was up.


(Springtrap POV)

She's gone.... She looks so nice... why is she so scared of me..

My head throbbed, the stupid beams and wires are to thank for that. But along with my head, my heart throbbed as well. I didn't need a lover, no, I just wanted a friend. I was hoping she would be the one but she's so scared of me. I don't know what to do.

"Marionette? You there?" I call out into the dank, green building.

The phantom of the marionette appeared in seconds. Her face was soft and worried. ( A/N: I'm going to change things up a bit for the sake of the story. Usually the phantoms try to hurt the reader and hate the springy boi but I want them to be a figment of his imagination because he was alone for 30 years.)

"What is this feeling... I feel so.. Empty.." I mumbled softly, my destroyed throat gurgling. The marionette looked puzzled for a moment and looks up as if she had an idea.

"You're lonely, William. You've been cooped up in that safe room for a long time. You just want a friend." she answered effortlessly.

I pondered her statement for a moment and came to the conclusion that she was right. I might just be lonely, I guess I never thought about it. I nodded and tried to think of a plan to get her to like me. Guess I'll just have to figure it out. I mean, I do have a whole day to do that. Might as well get started.


A Not So Fluffy Bun Springtrap x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя