Chapter 4; What The Fuck?!

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(Your PoV)

I sigh, "Another night, another $43.50..." I throw on my uniform and mentally prepare myself for another night of being scared shitless by a rabbit that smells like a 1000 -year-old rotting corpse. I groan, why in the fuck would they use an animatronic in such a horrid state? I would quit, but I really need the cash. I decide not to spend too much time pondering why the company decided to use the things they do and just get to work. I get into my car and drive to work.

I finally arrive at work, right on time for once. I sit down at my desk and await my fate. There was silence for a moment, but only a moment when the phone rang.

"Uh hello? Hello hello? Uh there's been a slight change of company policy concerning the use of the suits. Umm, don't. After learning of an unfortunate incident at the sister location involving multiple and simultaneous springlock failures, the company has deemed the suits temporarily unfit for employees. Safety is a top priority at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, which is why the classic suits are being retired to an appropriate location while being looked at by our technicians.

Until replacements arrive, you will be expected to wear the temporary costumes provided to you. Keep in mind that they were found on very short notice, so questions about appropriateness slash relevance should be deflected. I repeat, the classic suits are not to be touched, activated, or worn. That being said we are free of liability, do as you wish.

As always, remember to smile. You are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."

I sit at the desk, watching the cameras for the fucking horrifying abomination. I can't see him anywhere! Where could he be? I've checked all the cameras and vents three times at this point and I'm not seeing him anywhere. This is starting to get ridiculous.. At about 2:03, I start to get suspicious. I get up out of my seat and grab my flashlight, provided by the manager just in case the power goes out. I walk out of my office and down the hall, looking into the window as I walk by. As I walk through each hall, I drifted by all the old relics and knick-knacks. Reaching around where Cam 9 would be, I notice an old poster out of place. I went to fix it, only to find a surprisingly hidden door.

Taking a deep breath, nervous to see what was inside, I open the door cautiously. Inside this old room, was a few broken down game units, lots of boxes that are sagging due to the dankness in the building, more relics yet to be put up and even some cobwebs (real, not fake). Out of the corner of my eye, I see something twitch in the darkness. I shine my light on it and yelp in shock. It was the bunny suit... just lying there, limp. I walk closer, curiosity getting the best of me. I squat down in front of it, tilting my head awfully, never really getting a good look at the creature. It moved it's what I thought limp head towards me and I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Bolting out the door, I hear a gravelly voice, asking me to stop and to come back but I didn't listen. I make it back to my office and hide under my desk, cowering in fear.

"Pleeeeeease...." the voice called out, it echoing through the semi empty halls. Tears were streaming down my face as I bite my tie to keep me from making noise. Its footsteps were getting louder and closer, thump... thump... thump. The steps were almost rhythmic, as if it had a limp making it so. I felt the vibrations of the treading animatronic's steps behind me. It finally got to the door, stopping in the doorway.

My breathing quickened, my body trembling. It started to walk away as my watch beeped 0300 hours. Shit! Stopping in its tracks, it turned back around and walked into the office. My heart raced with adrenaline, I could feel the blood pumping through my veins. I could hear the gears and servos clicking as its head turned to look around. Now that it's standing in front of me for more than a minute , I can smell that the stench wasn't coming from the building but the suit. It reeked of rotting flesh and dust. Looking at its feet, I see pink, tubes wrapped around the skeletons ankle and feet. My adrenaline fogging up my brain, I reach my hand out and touch the salmon hoses to find they are soft like a really ripe avocado.

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