Chapter Thirteen; Join the Party

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(Your POV)

I wake up groggily. I feel like I was being spun around nonstop. I start to open my eyes only to squint at the bright light shining down on me. I try to speak only to find I've been muffled by a cloth gag. Looking around, I find myself in a room I don't recognize. It was filled to the brim with busted up arcade machines, old animatronic parts and supplies for parties.

So I'm still in the pizzeria.. good to know... I thought.

The door to the room opened as a large silhouette entered. It shut the door slowly and quietly. I tried to scoot back but being tied to a chair made it difficult. The figure stepped into the light.

I gasped lightly. A bear colored in a sickly shade of yellow stood before me, its pin prick dots for eyes looked down on me. It breathed out a hollow chuckle at the horror in my own eyes. I tried to scream but the gag stopped me. It let out another sound resembling a giggle at my expense. I attempted to move back only to fall over in the chair I was bound to. The bear walked up to where I fell and picked me up, positioning me closer to it than I was before. It aggressively ripped the gag out of my mouth and put a finger to its "lips", as if to tell me to stay quiet. I decided to listen, in fear that I'd be killed if I didn't.

"You are a fool," the voice was soft but harsh, "for trusting a monster like him. We tried a few times to get rid of him, but he always comes back." The voice was one like a child's. A little girl, perhaps.

It, or she, stared me down, "You don't know what we have been through. What that... that monster has done to us." She looked down at her weathered hands as if remembering something.

"Do you know who truly is underneath that mask?" I shook my head, remembering how she told me not to speak. She nods her head slightly and turns around, exposing a torn up back with cords and an exposed exo underneath. The smell is dreadful, I noticed.

"That man. No. That thing. Is a murderer." Suddenly, I remember what he said to me. How he murdered "those kids." How could I have forgotten?! Was she one of them? Of course she was. But why show up now? Questions raced through my head as I mentally face palmed for forgetting such an important detail.

"You seem confused." My thoughts came to a screeching halt after hearing her voice again. I look up only to flinch. Her face was an inch or so away from my own. When did that happen?

"You know that's what he does, right?" I raise an eyebrow, "He gains your trust, he says he's your 'friend' and then he kills you." She pauses to lift her tall frame back to standing. "He likes the game. It looks like he wants you to suffer more since he's been waiting so long."

There's no way.

Is there?

Would he?

I'm thrown back into my thoughts once again as I try to figure out his motives.

Muffled voices start to sound through the door she entered through.

"Look who decided to join the party." She pushes another chair up underneath the handle and looks at me, once again putting her finger up to her mouth. "Don't say a word about me when they come in or you'll have more than a chair and a gag for a problem." She opens up a grate that leads to a vent in the wall. Before closing it behind her, she pauses.

"I'm Cassidy. I'll see you again soon." The bear, Cassidy, giggles as she crawls away.

The voices are audible now as the people behind it try and open the door.

"It's locked." Will.

"I know that, I saw you try and open it." Michael.

"Help me open it then!"

One. The chair blocking the door moves a bit.

Two. Cassidy is sure to be gone by now.

Three. Is what she said true?

Four. Is he going to kill me?


The door finally breaks down, revealing Michael and Will standing there in the frame.

"Was that door made out of metal or something?" Michael asked.

Completely ignoring what his son asked, William runs over to where I am. "Y/n, are you okay?"

Am I?


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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