Chapter 10; Cleanin' Out My Closet

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(Your POV)

          My alarm blares in my ear, the USSR Anthem playing. I groggily get up to shower. Grabbing my work clothes, a towel, and my undergarments, I go to the bathroom. I turn on my speaker and connect it to my phone. Flicking on the water for the shower, I play my music and strip my pajamas. I step in and wash my body and hair. In the middle of rinsing my hair, Don't Stop Believin' by Journey started playing. I immediately started singing along, almost slipping.

          After my solo concert, I get out of the shower and get ready.

(Springtrap POV)

          Although I can't sleep, it was a wakeup call when I heard (Y/N) singing embarrassingly loud in the shower. I snickered to myself and got up from out of my bed. It's still weird to think that I have my own room. I'm extremely grateful to (Y/N) for setting everything up for me. I wish I could pay her back somehow.

          When I get up, a few of my spring locks creak loudly. I should talk to (Y/N) about that...

          I walk into the living room and wait for (Y/N) to show up, humming Piano Man. That song brings back a few memories and internally I smile. I remember hearing the song often while I was working the night shift on the radio. It was a nice experience until the animatronics decided to turn on me. I don't want to think about that though, so I turn back to the good memories and continue to wait for (Y/N) to show up.

(Your POV)

          After brushing my hair, I throw it up in a ponytail (A/n: if you have shorter hair, put it in a man bun or somethin' lol). I look at myself in the mirror thinking I'd look decent. I only looked tired, wasted even. The bags under my eyes were very prominent and my eyes were half-lidded. I throw some water in my face and pat it dry. The bags didn't go away but I don't look high anymore. I fixed my tie and walked out of the bathroom door.

          My watch had beeped a while ago so I assumed it was past 2300. I checked my phone and I was right; 23:13. I grab my stuff and grab a snack.

         "Come on, William. Night two. We gotta get goin'." I say softly. Will turns off the tv and stands up. His large figure casts a shadow on the wall. It looked... creepy. But I digress. I walk into the garage and start warming up the car. A few minutes later, Will walks out and gets in the passenger seat. I start the car and open the garage door, pulling out of it. I turned on the radio and bad guy by Billie Eilish started to play. I started to sing along softly and William was tapping his finger in the door. The ride was pretty quiet but not awkward. It was still enjoyable.

          After about 10-15 minutes, we arrived. I pulled into the back of the establishment and parked the car. The car clock showed that it was 23:36 when we arrived. I unlocked the back door and we walked in. I looked around the pizzeria and saw a note on Freddy's nose. He was too tall for me to reach. So I asked William. He looked at me hesitantly and quickly grabbed the note.

          The note read as follows:

"Hey (Y/n),

I made a new schedule for our shifts. You can work tonight but tomorrow I will be working. I will not dock your pay because you clearly need it. Before you work though, please clean up a bit. The damned janitor didn't show up. It's easy, just pick up plates and wash off the animatronics. Be sure to watch the time as well. Make it quick!


          He was right, it seems easy enough. I go into the janitor's closet and grab the mop and bucket and an extra bucket for William. I also grab a sponge and some soap. I head to the kitchen and add warm water to the extra bucket. Pouring some soap in, I add a bit more and walk into the dining room. I handed the bucket and sponge to William.

          "Okay bud, start with Bonnie and work your way down. I'm not sure if we need to do Pirate Cove guy over there," I gesture to the purple curtains, " so just do the main three and I'll start on the floor."

           He looked at me like I was nuts but sighed in agreement. I smiled softly and started to work.

(Springtrap POV)

          (Y/n) immediately went to work, putting her earbuds in. I looked up at the beings and cowered in fear. I put on plastic gloves to protect my felt ones and dunked the sponge into the water. I wrung out most of the water so it was damp. I gently put the sponge on Bonnie's torso and started washing. There were some grease stains on his fur along with some dust. I scoff softly at the horrid way they "took care" of my creations. I had a sudden motivation and started to clean more thoroughly.

          A few minutes went by and Bonnie was done. His purple coat was now not dusty and very clean; way cleaner than how they had him before. I moved onto Freddy next. He had way more stains than Bonnie. It might have been because he was closer to the edge of the stage. But that didn't stop the kids from touching the others. As I was washing his body, I noticed a handprint on Freddy's right eye. It looked like an old stain. I put my hand on the print, I sigh that it doesn't match mine. It seems like it was used or touched before it was put on the animatronic. By an employee at some point, perhaps. I shrug off the thought and finish washing him off.

          Lastly was Chica. She had the most done. Pepperoni bits everywhere, cheese dripping from her cupcake. The worst part was her body was covered in cockroaches. My stomach and other body parts stopped working a long time ago but if I could, I would be gagging so hard right now. I picked off each roach and tossed them into (Y/n)'s bucket, feeling the pleasure in watching them drown. I pulled off the slices of cheese pizza and wiped down her cupcake. Its candle shined softly in the dim pizzeria light. I cleaned the grease off her bib and her body. I finally finished and stepped back, seeing the product of my hard work. I check the clock and see it is 23:58!

          I grab the bucket and sponge, quickly peck Freddy on the nose (it squeaked) and ran over to (Y/n). She is almost done with the floor when I tap her on the shoulder, startling her in the process. She yelped, nearly knocking over the bucket of dirty soap water and dead cockroaches. She gripped her work shirt close to her heart and glared angrily at me.

          "WILL!!! WHAT THE HECKING HECK!!" she yelled, frustrated. I pull one of her earbuds out and apologize. Before I could put another word in, her watch beeped, signaling that the shift has started. I gulp and point at the clock, showing it is 0000 hours. She jumps and runs to the office. I jumped on that bandwagon immediately!

(Your POV)

          I book it to the office, hearing the thudding steps of William. He skids in the office. The shift officially starts.

E N D. 

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