Chapter Seven; Dressed Up In A Pretty Package

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(Springtrap POV)

It has been 1 hour, 45 minutes and 15 seconds since she left. I should know, I counted. She's been gone a while and I'm worried. But what am I worried about? She's a big girl, she can handle herself... I think. I look around more, the worry slowly going away as I see pictures of her. I go from room to room soaking in the atmosphere. I go towards the back of the house to her room when I hear the door open. I sprint across the house, my robotic feet thumping on the ground.

She is just closing the door when i reach her. She turns around and screams, startled at my sudden appearance. She clutches her chest and takes long, deep breathes. After calming down, she turns to me with a very grumpy face, "WILLIAM! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?"

I look at her in shock before replying, "well.. Y-you were gone for 2 hours, 3 minutes and 30 seconds... I-I counted..." I mumbled the last part under my breath and put my head down in shame. I could sense that she raised her hand up and I tensed up, expecting her to hit me but to get my ears pet. She removed her hand and I look up, tilting my head. She smiles at me soft and friendly like. I smile back, feeling loved for once. I think i found my person.

(Your POV)

He looked happy. It's odd to have an emotion come off of an animatronic but it was good to see nonetheless. I walk to the car and grab my groceries. Inside I have most of the stuff on the list part from wire cutters, which might be in my shed. I try to sort the materials on the working bench and see I'm also missing the scissors, measuring tape, and sewing machine. I jog into the house and scramble to find the things I need. I find the scissors and measuring tape easily but its the sewing machine that is giving me trouble.

I am frantically running around the house looking for a huge box for my mom's sewing machine. I'm looking in my closet, my room, under my bed, the linen closet, the guest room, NOTHING!!!

"Umm.. (y-y/n)?" William/ Springtrap mumbles softly as I nyoom past him.

"Not now, Will, I'm looking for my mom's sewing machine!" I yell from under my bed. I hear his thudding steps get closer to my room then stop. I'm still rummaging under my bed for the box.

"(Y/N)!" he shouts. I bang my head on the bed frame and crawl out.

"OW!! WILL WHY WOULD Y- oh. You found it. How long have you had it?" I ask sheepishly. He looks down at me and sniggers. I stare up at him with a grumpy face (>:[ ), "Tell meeeee!"

He smiles, "Pretty much the entire time."

My face is red hot. Where the hell was it??? As if he could read minds, he simply says it was on the top shelf in the garage. I was so embarrassed . I brush myself off and huff in his direction. He smiles again and walks out of the room. I follow him out into the garage and sit at the bench.

"Ok Will, I need you to t-pose for me." I grab the tape and William looks at me confused. I raise my eyebrow and forcefully hoist his arm so it was parallel with the floor. I take the measuring tape to his shoulder/base of his neck and pull it to his wrist. I pinch the tape to the measurements and write it down. I go back and wrap it around the middle to see the circumference. I pinch it again and write it down. I wave my hand at him to tell him to put his arm down. I hear the click of his servos moving. I take my wire and start making the skeleton. I could feel William's gaze on my back. I shudder and keep working. After I was satisfied with the skeleton, I take the foam and wrap it around my wire frame. I use duct tape to hold it against the frame while I started cutting away at it. After I was happy with the shape, I wrapped it in more duct tape so it could keep its shape. I take the yellow felt and wrap it around the tape. I see where to cut and cut. I give it some extra felt to it so it could stretch. I use the yellow thread and put it in the sewing machine.

I sew both edges together and turn it inside out. Feeling happy with my effort I slip it onto the foam frame and sew it to it. I smile and get up. I take my wire cutters over to Will.

"Okay buddy, I'm going to cut a part of your sleeve off, alright?" I question softly. He nods in response. I clench the cutters and snip snip snip. The forearm piece fell to the ground with a clunk. It was fine until the smell hit. I covered my mouth and gagged. My eyes started to water. I ran into the house and grabbed every air freshener I have and put it in the garage. I also grab a face mask that says waifu that my boyfriend got me. I put the first piece on and work on all the other pieces.

_Le Time Skip cuz y'all don't wanna repetition_

I finally finished the head piece. I just needed to take the actual head... off. After experiencing tons and tons of organs, I can only imagine what was in that head piece of his. I take a deep breath and stood on my stool. I close my eyes and pulled the top part of the head off. I open my eyes to a rotting, disgusting, putrid head. I gasp and and put the new head on quickly. I grab the jaw i made and swap it out with the old one. I step down from the stool, still shook from the decaying head. I step back and look at my work. But something was missing.

"Will, what's your favouri-" i didn't even get to finish my sentence.

"Purple." he interrupts.

I raise my eyebrow and get the purple ribbon and tie it into a bow and stick it to his neck. He was complete. I even added a cute little cottontail. I made him gloves to cover his hands because his hand pieces were too tiny for me to make. I sit at the workbench and and sigh.

"Are you okay, (y/n)?" William questioned softly.

I reply with but a nod and check my watch. 17:48, the watch says. I stand up and stretch. I walk into the house and beckon Will inside. His more softened steps clanked behind me as I turned off the garage lights.

I walk to my room and start stripping my clothes when I see William in my doorway. I stare at him for a second with a 'really' face but he only tilts his head in response.

"Will... I'm getting dressed... go?" I say in a sarcastic tone.

He blinked as he snapped back to reality (oop there goes gravity). He shook his head and apologized and closed my door. I lazily take off my work shirt and pants and yawn, debating whether I should sleep like this or put on some actual pajamas. I decided to pick a shirt and sleep so I grab a large dragon shirt that went to my knees. I hop into bed and set my alarm for my usual time.

_Le Time Squip_

My alarm rings in my ear. I groan and roll over. I press stop on my phone and sit up. I yawn and stretch and throw my legs over the side of my bed. I open my door and yelp. William was standing in my doorway... in the dark...? He looked me up and down and got out of my way. I walk to the bathroom and start my shower. I walk into the hall and grab my towel for the linen closet. The entire time, Will was following me with his eyes. I shiver, feeling gaze on my back. I close my bathroom door and undress. Stepping into the shower, I immediately relax, feeling my muscles loosen. I wash my hair and body quickly but stand in the hot water for a little while longer just so I could feel alive. After 5 ish minutes, I step out of the shower. I wrap myself in my towel and brush through my hair. After all my knots were out, I blow dried my hair only to brush out more tangles.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Will standing in the doorway again! He's acting weirder than before.

"Will, why are you following me like a lost pup? It's creeping me out.." I ask, my voice quaking softly.

"I have been alone for 30 years (y/n), with no one to talk to but the voices in my head. You are the first person to show me kindness even after I said what I was.. Of course I'd follow you... I don't wanna be alone again..'' I could tell his voice was on the verge of cracking, "I don't know what else to do here but follow. I'm sorry..."

I felt horrible for snapping at him. But I did realize i was still in my towel. "H-hey, how about I take you to work with me! How's that sound?"

He nods his head.

"Okay! I'm going to get ready really quick. I'll be right back.. Please don't stand in my doorway.."

E N D. 

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