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kaminari and todoroki study together and todoroki comforts him when he starts to panic.

"thank you for helping me study for the big test we have in a week" "yeah no problem" Todoroki gave him a soft smile.

He honestly just wanted an excuse to hang out with Kaminari more and it seemed like a good excuse when he walked up to him to ask for him to tutor him "okay so we're studying about shakespeare do you know who that is?" He asked "um... He was an english playwrite, poet and" Kaminari furrowed his eyebrows slightly.

"and an actor" Todoroki finished smiling softly "it's okay to not know do you know any of his plays?" he asked Kaminari frowned slightly looking over at his book.

"uh.. Macbeth is one of them?" "that's correct can you give me three more? Aizawa sensi wants us to know at least four plays" Kaminari pouted slightly "let me think" "that's fine take your time" todoroki spoke softly running his fingers through his hair "um... romeo and juilet?" "Kaminari don't doubt yourself okay? You know this stuff I know people think you're dumb but I know you're really smart" Todoroki spoke pushing some Kaminari's hair behind his ear as he blushed.

"I know I can be smart it's just hard for me to focus" he licked his chapped lips "I understand my older brother is the same way" Kaminari bit down on his lip "um anyways hamlet is another one" "see there you go don't doubt yourself and your little brain will know the answer."

Kaminari rolled his eyes "yeah maybe" he mumbled furrowing his eyebrow "one more book right?" "yeah just need one more book and you'll ace the test" todoroki teases "you are very distracting you know that?" Kaminari spoke gently his cheeks turning bright red "okay how am I distracting?" todoroki asked looking at him "you just are" he mumbled "um I don't know a last book" "king lear could be a last one" "thank you can we also do math?"

Todoroki nodded closing his book then grabbing his math book then opening it "okay so we have to do section twenty... question one is what is b" Kaminari looked over at the equation frowning slightly "you can do this just think about it okay?" 

Kaminari nodded his head but the more he thought about the question the more he got frustrated and the more he was getting upset, he groaned lowly getting up off the bed "I can't fucking do it!" he raised his voice slightly which todoroki flinched "I'm just fucking dumb bakugou was right I am and idiot I don't know how to do this type of math!" he teared up slightly as he was playing with his fingers "I'm never going to be the smart student I'm always going to be the class clown or the fucking idiot" Todoroki frowned slightly "my parents are right I'm not ever going to be smart" he mumbled as tears went down his cheeks and now he understood why he was upset.

Todoroki got off his bed walking over to Kaminari "hey.. I think you're very smart fuck what your parents think or bakugou they don't fucking matter" he sighed softly kissing his tears away his cheeks turning bright red.

"why don't we take a break and watch something?" "okay.. can we watch my comfort show it's called voltron" Todoroki nodded turning his tv on "lay down and I'll join you once it's on" Kaminari nodded his head laying down as todoroki grabbed his remote going to netflix and turning on voltron then walked back to his bed laying next to Kaminari "come lay on my chest" he mumbled as Kaminari blushed slightly scooting closer to him laying his head on todoroki's chest "thank you" he mumbled "for what?"

"for comforting me when I was panicking" he blushed kinda embarrassed he never cried in front of people before "hey don't worry about it.. it happens" he kissed Kaminari's temple softly

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