
435 13 10

| Sero comforting deku |

Deku was having the worst day ever first he was late to his study session which he really needed to past his exams but he was too late, then someone accidentally spilled their drink on him, and now his pet cat had just passed away and he couldn't just go home he needed to be at school.

Usually whenever Deku is having a bad day he would just go to Sero's place but he's out studying at the moment and didn't want to bug him.

He decided to maybe try to make himself feel better by turning on the tv and watch his favorite show grey's anatomy he sniffed slightly as the episode started to play he opened the drawer besides him bringing out snacks for him to snack on.

His phone made a little bing sound which he would've ignored but he was really hoping it was his boyfriend Sero he sighed seeing it was from a random guy asking to come outside to talk.

He assumed it was the wrong number and decided to just block the number he looked up realizing what episode he was on "no shit... really? I'm on the episode where Mark and Lexie die? Why must this happen to me" he groaned flopping backwards hitting his on the wall "fuck" he mumbled rubbing his head.

He took a bite of his favorite chips then spitting it out grabbing the bad of chips looking at the expiration date "of course they're steal and gone bad" he sighed softly.

Deku jumped slightly as there was a pound at his door "fucking deku you better answer!" Bakugou yelled as deku rolled his eyes getting out of his bed walking towards the door opening it "what the hell do you want?"

"Someone is on their period, I need to borrow you're text book I left mine at the hags and she won't pick up her phone" deku started to tear up slightly he knows that bakugou didn't mean it in that way but he couldn't help but feel sensitive about the period joke "oh shit" bakugou groaned "I didn't-" deku held up his hand.

"It's fine kacchan I'm just having a bad day okay?" He shrugged his shoulders going over to his bag grabbing the textbook that bakugou needed and handing it to him

"Do you need anything.. I could get nerd number two to get you something" bakugou shrugged as deku shook his head "no its fine.. I'll be okay have fun doing whatever" bakugou sighed "okay fine" he grumbled then leaving as deku shut the door.

One of the worst thing about being transgender was fucking dysphoria, he never understood why it always hit him like a tons of bricks; he was use to keeping his feelings inside then one day they just.. exploded he guesses it was a hard concept but he just tries to shrug it off even though that usually never works at all.

There was a knock on the door deku groaned "kacchan I said I'm fine!" He wiped his tears away opening the door "thought you need a hug?" Sero spoke.

Deku grins widely jumping into his arms shoving his face into his neck "I thought you were studying" sero wrapped his arms around deku's waist kissing his head "I was but I had a bad feeling and I was completely right, what's wrong baby blue" deku pulled away slightly "I've been having a bad is all" he shrugged.

Sero sighs softly pressing his lips against his temple "okay how about you get dress cutie I want to take you out of you're up to it" "yeah I'll go anywhere you are handsome" he pressed a kiss to his cheek "come inside I don't mind if you see" he cheeks turned bright red as sero walked in shutting the door behind him.

"You can just change your shirt I think the pants are perfect on you" he grins as deku pulled off his shirt "how long you been wearing your binder zu" deku pouted

"Uh.. lost count I think only ten hours maybe?" Sero frowned slightly "remember you need to take breaks once in awhile I know you don't want to but I don't want you to hurt yourself okay?" Deku nodded grabbing his favorite button up shirt putting it on leaving two unbuttoned "yes I know I do I just forget but I'll try not to okay?" Sero nodded kissing his cheek "I'll just remind you" he said looking into Deku's beautiful green eyes.


Sero stood in front of the arcade "ready for you asap to be beaten?" He said teasingly "heh you fucking wish" deku spoke letting go of his hand walking inside as sero rolled his eyes.

"What should we play first?" He asked grabbing his hand "well we need token first" deku chuckled lacing their fingers together "but we should do skee ball you suck at that game" "hey I've been practicing zu" he walked over to the machine putting money in and getting a bunch of coins.

They both walked over to skee ball "since you've been practicing let's see who's better me or you"

Sero smirked slightly "okay sure let's do it then" they both put in a coin and started to play skee ball they had about three rounds "okay fine you win!" Sero raised his hand up grabbing their tickets and their coins "what game next babe?"

"Basketball because you also suck at that game" "it's not my fault I suck" he rolled his eyes then walking towards the game with deku beside him "aw don't be sad I'll maybe let you win one round like I did with skee ball" sero chuckled softly glancing at his boyfriend "you're adorable you know that?" Deku's cheeks turned bright red punching his arm "hey... shut up loser" he mumbled "getting all flustered now?" He teases kissing his cheek.

They played every game in the arcade and deku was absolutely in a better mood having this little date with him.

After playing all the games in the arcade they sat down and ate some pizza together "thank you for taking me out" deku mumbled smiling softly "anything to make my baby happy" he leaned over pecking his lips softly "did you wanna talk about today though? You don't have to of course"

"Well it started to be shitty I got a message from my mom... she decided to choose my father over me I didn't really want to think about it and just everything was turning out bad" he shrugged his shoulders as sero frowned.

"She's not worth your tears I know your mom is your best friend and it's not easy but you need to put yourself first as long you're happier then it doesn't matter what others think" deku smiled brightly looking at sero grabbing his hand "you're right.. as long I have you beside me I don't need her you've supported me day one and I'm lucky"

Sero kissed his hand softly "I wouldn't leave you whatsoever I am deeply in love with you" "and I'm in love with you Sero.. thank you for comforting me today it means a lot" sero smiles softly "anytime I'm always here"

Authors note:

Hey guys I haven't written in forever on wattpad so please be nice!! If there's any grammar mistakes please dm about it so I can correct it English is my first language but I still have trouble with grammar ect but this is dedicated to my friend  also if I tagged the wrong person .... look away be blind 🧑‍🦯 anYways hope you enjoyed !! EijirouLovesKatsuki

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