19 Chapter

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Everything is dark, i cant see anything. I cant hear anything, its so quite. Too quite. This silent is unbelieveble.
At the same time im uncomfortable and comfortable.

Where am i?

Is this what i think it is? Is this what i have been craving for for years now? Am i finally free?

Is this DEATH?

-------------------an hour earlier----------------

Kyoutanis pov

"Y/N!!" i yelled again as i was looking at her body. I was frozen, i didnt know what to do.

Sudenlly, Iwaizumi-senpai pull me and as i came back to my senses, i started running toward the ladder.

I only made few stepps as i heard a huge hit.

Fuck! S-she hit the gro-

But my thoughts were cut off by the second hit. In horror, i turn around to check on the other male.
Luckyly, he was still there, standing at the edge of the roof, looking down, shock still on his face.

I didnt understand. Whats that second hit. But i didnt have time to think.

Fast, i run to the ladder, and climbed down.
I felt like throwing up from everything. From the agony, sadness, shock. But then i saw something that gave me the last hit.

Y/n's body.

I was met with the body that belong to the only person i cared about. The only person ive ever loved.

My vision started getting blury and i was shaking like crazy. I couldnt tell if she was breathing or not, if she was alive or..... dead.

I came up to her silent, calm body and fall next to it. In that moment i felt the tears running down my cheeks and neck, falling on the ground. Then i broke. I started crying like crazy, i was yelling, all while holding onto her motionless body. My hearing started fading away, i couldnt even hear my scream. As i lift up my head i saw the blood. It was everywhere on her and on me. This made me curse and scream even more. As i hugged her tighter i felt a hand on my shoulder. I slowly turn around just to be pushed of of her.

"Kyoutani! She might still be alive!!"

I looked at the older boy with miserable eyes, not being able to understand fully what he was saying.

"The roof! The small shitty roof, above the front door slowed the fall!!"
He yelled as he lift up Y/ns body.

"Kyoutani!! Idiot, call the hospital!"

Then it hit me. My vision was back, as well as my hearing.
"Y-Y/n is alright?" i said with weak voice.

Fast, i took my phone out of my pocket and did as i was told.

Even if i was feeling awfull, Iwaizumi-san had it worst. He was pale and shaking like crazy, covered in his sisters blood. He slowely put her down and started talking to her and giving her the CPR.

"Y/n, Y/n! Im here! Your big brother is here!! I wont let you die on me! Come on!" Her body didnt even flinch.
"FUCK! God, please dont take my little sister away from me! I will be better brother i promise!!" he yelled at the sky, crying.
"She doesnt deserve this! Please dont take her!"

As he was screaming over Y/ns almost dead body, i saw blue and red lights coming from the street. The help finally came.

They went to Iwaizumi-San trying to calm him down, but they werent successfull.
I came to his side."Iwaizumi-san, the help is here! Calm down!!"
He looked at me with broken look in his eyes.
"Come on! We cant do anything else!" I yelled at him and he stood up, only to faint, leaving Y/n to the doctors.
I tried waking him up, but it was useless. I looked up from him and saw that they already had put her body on the mobile bed and into the van.

I didnt know what to do, i couldnt go into the van without her brother. So they went without us.

I have never felt more useless in my life.

After few minutes, Iwaizumi-san woke up.
"Ughh-wait...WHERE IS Y/N!?" He yelled standing up, but his legs were to weak.
"Calm down, they took her away to the hospital." I tried holding him so he wont fall. "I called the taxi, we will be with her soon."

------------------20 minutes later---------------

"Thank you for the ride." I said as i was giving money to the driver.
We finally arived at the hospital. Slowely, we went inside. Iwaizumi-San was still in the shock and his legs were numb, so i helped him walk.

I asked for Y/ns room hoping the answer will tell me if she is still alive.....or not.
But they didnt even looked at me saying "Miss. Iwaizumi is right now at the operation room, number 520. You cant see her right now."

As i was holding Iwaizumi-senpai i looked at them and asked when will it be finished.

"Well this is an emergency surgery, as you probably now," then she gave me the sad look. "its the battle for her life. So we cant quite tell when it will be over."

I stood there, frozen, i wanted to move and go up there, to her. Just to see her.

"Thank you. Lets go Kyoutani." i looked at the weak male. "All we can do is wait."


Is this really it? Is this how the death looks like? Its so....calmi-


Huh? Who is that? Wait, who is Y/n?

"Doctor, we are losing her!"

They are trying to save someone. Their name is Y/n? I hope they are okay.
But how come i dont see anything, but i can hear the voices?

Wait-who am i?
I cant remember anything, the only thing that i know is that i wish to die.
But, why? Why do i want to end my life. Was it that bad?

"We cant do anything. The only thing left for us is to wait and hope she will wake up."

Ooh, she is on her own now. She has to figh-
Wait. My name is Y/n. I remember now, my horibble life.

Im left to fight for my own life alone?
I dont want to live. I want it all to end. They will be disappointed, but thats what i want.


Then, why? Why am i feeling like this? Why do i feel like someones waiting for me? Why do i feel like im somehow loved? Why do i feel like i dont belong here?
I want these feelings to go away, i want to disappear! I WANT TO DIE!

But, why do i feel like i want to keep living?
Why do i feel like i want to live with Hajime and mom again?

And......with him?

Authors note

IM BAAACK! Finally!
Im sorry to keep you waiting guys! I hope you will love this chapter!

So this is the 19th chapter. Its not very long, like the previous one, but it is quite important.

Enjoy guys! And stay healthy, drink enough water and dont forgot that you all are beautiful and amazing human beings!!!!!

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