11 Chapter

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Iwaizumis pov

"Uuugh... School. Again." i got up and started to get ready for school. Soon i steped out and saw Y/n. She was somehow different, like, she was quiet. Weird. "Y/n get ready we have to leave soon." i looked at her with worried eyes.
"I am ready." she didnt even look at me, she just passed me and went down the stairs.
"But love," our mothers voice was heard from kitchen, "your hair is a mess, and are you ok, you seem really tired."
"Dont worry. Im ok mom." she said as she was about to put snickers on.
"Lets go Hajime. We will be late."

On our way to school i was 100% sure that something was wrong. She didnt have angry or annoyed look on her face. She was totally emotionless. As we were walking i decided to hit her shoulder and start a conversation.

"Hey, you have a presentation to do today. Right??" I tried to sound as cheerfull as i could.


"Arent you excited? I mean you will talk about snakes after all."

"Not really."

"You said that you will go to my class and some other. Which one was it?

"Year 2nd class 1."

I tried to remember if i knew anyone in that class then i realized.
"Oh thats Kyoutanis class."

Y/ns pov

All morning i wasnt feeling anything. Like every emotion left me. Not even snakes can cheer me up at least a little bit. I didnt have the will to do my hair.

As Hajime and I were on our way to school he tried to talk to me. I didnt even find it annoying. I was just giving him small answers. Till that moment.

"Oh thats Kyoutanis class."

"The yellow boy?" I looked at my brother trying to get my answer as quick as possible.

"Yeah, he really is something." he smiled.

I really should thank him, he really helped me out. But thats not like me at all.

"We arrived sis. Im gonna go this way, see ya after school." Hajime left me at the centar of hall as he was running to his friends. I was left alone.

I walked down the hall looking at my feet. Around me everyone was talking. It was so loud, i couldnt take it. I really cant deal with this right now. I thought to myself and put my hands on my ears closing my eyes. I rushed to my classroom and sat on my seat.

This will be a long day.

-----------time skip to presentation--------

"Does everyone have their ideas and presentations?" biology teacher asked as she lead as to the classroom where we are going to present.
"OK guys lets start with 3rd years."
She started with 1 class. But soon she reached 5 class.

"3rd year 5 class. Iwaizumi Y/n. Ooh your brother is in this class right?" I nodded and she smiled. "Good luck!" she waved and went to others students.

I turned around facing the doors. I putt one hand on door handle and with other knocked.

Well here goes nothing.

As soon as a teacher said "Come in" i entered and introduced myself.

"Good afternoon. My name is Iwaizumi Y/n. Im here today to show my presentation to class, i hope my biology teacher informed you." i said in one breath and bowed not looking up.

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot." The teacher said and sat down. "Please you can start. Someone help her put on a presentation on that damn lap top."

I turned around to look at lap top, trying to figure out what to do. Soon few guys came up to help me, and i couldnt believe my eyes when i saw the one with a hood on. But this isnt his class.

"Hi Y/n-chan~" That was Oikawa fucking Tooru. "Be quiet. I sneak out a my class to watch your presentation." he gave me a big smile and then one big hand hit him on top of his head. "Shut up Trashykawa." 
Thank you brother.

Soon they all went to their sits, i took a deep breath and still with emotionless expression started my presentation.

"Well, for todays presentation i chose to talk about snakes. Lets start then....... "
"..... and thats how you can found out the gender of these species."

Im finally done. Thank God.

"Well thats it. I hope you find it helpfull." i bowed to the class and after that to the teacher asking for a premission to go.

As i was walking out the classroom i heard crying behind me. "Y/n-chan~! How can you talk about these hideous creatures? They are so scary and ugly."
"Fuck off Oikawa. They are better then you in any possible way." i said in calm voice.
"But you made presentation really cool. I like it. Good luck in next class." Hajime yelled behind sobbing brinette.

After a break of 10 minutes the teacher showed me wheres my next stop.

Its the classroom of yellow boy. So it should be right across mine.

"Here we are." she stopped and patted my shoulder. "Im sure you will do great. Your knowladge about snakes is on whole another level." she smiled and i thanked her.

As soon as i opened the door i was met with the pair of yellow eyes. I tried my hardest to stay calm and went to teacher introducing myself and starting a presentation.

Through half a presentation i tried to not look at certain someone, but it was hard. He was staring at me like crazy.
Soon the teacher was called by a principal and left, but i countinued.

"So there are few obvious differences between venomous snakes and non-venomous snakes. For examp-"

One guy raised his hand so i let him talk. "So..... Something like difference between you and good looking girls?" he and his friends were laughting so hard. But I was frozen.

What was i supposed to do. I mean he was right but it still hurts. But I couldnt just stand there quiet, i had to say something. I cant show that im weak.

"Do yourself a favor asshole and shut the fuck up." i said in calm cold voice. But inside i was panicking like crazy.

"Oh really? Or what, you gonna beat me?" he looked at me and laughted in my face.

"No. But I will." And right after that line Kyoutani punched that kid right across his face. Soon there was a big fight and teacher came here running trying to pull Kyoutani off of the boy, who was covered in blood.
The yellow boy and me were sent to principals office.

At the end we both got detention.
Me for cursing and causing a fight.
And him for beating up a student.

The detention was being held that same day after classes.

Death sounds calmingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora