23 Chapter

206 11 12

Kyoutanis pov

After 2 hours of rethinking and getting enough courage, i finally decided to go to Y/ns room and tell her everything.

Im not a fucking pussy, i can do it!

I slap my face and looked up, seeing Iwaizumi-san leaving the room.
I started walking towards it, but on my way there Iwaizumi-san stopped me.

"Hey, Kyoutani." he said in low and tired voice.
"Im sorry for that night, umm... " he strugled to speak up, i figure it was out of tiredness, but it wasnt.
"God domn, that night in front of our house, you... you tried to kiss my sister, right?"

My eyes opened wide in shock and my face burst in red color. Fast, i turned my gaze somewhere else, i couldnt watch him in the eyes.

"Its really hard for me to believe Y/n will be with someone one day, especially not with you."


"You are unresponsoble teenage boy with bad manners and serious anger issues, and you also are not that bright and smart. Your grade are just awful." he just continued adding more of my bad qualities to his, probably, endless list.

I looked at him with a bit of an angry expression.
"Iwaizumi-san, I respect you and all that, but i wont let you bad mouth me like that."

Then, he looked at me with the softest look in his eyes i have ever seen him with. "But it seems like Y/n needs exacly that."

"I-I, what?" My eyes were wide open in shock as he suddenly said that. Nothing made any sense anymore.

"She doesnt need some perfect, neat, smart boy. She needs you."
He petted my shoulder and smiled "And you have my fully approval."

I was too stunned to speak, it felt unreal. I knew i didnt deserve Y/n at all. And i never expected to hear those words coming out of Iwaizumi-sans mouth. What he said at that moment made my heart burst out of happiness.

"Now go to her, and tell her everything." he pushed me a bit towards her room, but also squeezed my shoulder a bit too hard. "But dont kiss in front of me or you are a dead meat."

I gulped down and nodded.
Finally, he let go of me and went to sit down with others, while i was running to her room.

I was somehow, excited. I wanted to scream in her face what i feel and just hug and kiss her right there. I guess this conversation with Iwaizumi-san gave me courage.

As i arrived in front of her room I was out of breath. I took a moment to collect myself and calm down my breathing. I looked up just to see that bastard Yahaba, he was just finishing talking to her. I felt anger rising in my body again, but he just passed by me, tapping my shoulder, as he said something weird.

"Calm down, you got this."

I looked at him surprised, i didnt know what he meant by that or what was he doing in Y/ns room, but i didnt have much time to think about that as i felt someone elses eyes on me.
I turned around, just to be met with Y/ns e/c eyes starting at me.
But the moment i looked at her, my courage and confidence was gone, i couldnt move or think.

Come on, idiot. Speak!!

"Umm, hey." I nod my head.

"Hi." she answered turning her head to the other side.

"H-how are you feeling?" I didnt know what to say, how to start. All words ive know my entire life just escaped from my mind in that moment.

"Considering, I just woke up from coma because i jumped off a roof. Hmm." She pretened like she was thinking, putting her index finger on her mouth. "Im pretty good."

I looked at her, with my regular annoyed face. "Im serious Y/n."

She sighed. "Well, my head hurts a bit, as well as my body..." She said weakly as she looked at me. "...but I will be fine."

I just nodded. "Do you need me to bring you something? Some pills or water?" I asked as I didnt know what else to say or do.

"No, I have everything right here" She said as she tapped the table besides her. She then looked to the side, her face blushing a bit. "Y-you can sit down..."

I imidiatly did as she told me.

For next 10 minutes both of us were silent. It was kinda awkward, but i guess nither of us had the courage to say something.

I need to tell her. Come on get a grip you idiot.

I strightened my back and took a deep breath. 

"Y/n, I-I..."

Authors note

I think its been two years or so....
So im not gonna say anything except, thank you for waiting!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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