13 Chapter

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Kyoutanis pov

It has been 3 days.

She was ignoring me for 3 days. She didnt even looked at me once.

As i was going to take a morning shower i hit my head on door.
"Ugh Fucking door!!" I said as i kicked  it. "WHY is nothing going the way i want to?!" i yelled as i started to hit door even stronger. "Why wont she talk to me?!!" The door started falling apart and my hend was colored in red.

"Why is it so hard to love someone?!" Finally the door fell down and my arms and cheast were covered in blood. I stared at my heands and felt sharp pain in my heart.

Thats it. If she wont talk to me today, i will leave her alone.

I thought and went to take a long shower.

Y/n pov

"Y/n here is your jacket, its a little bit cold today." my brother said across the room holding my black jacket.
As i was putting my snickers on i turned my head so im not facing him "I wont need it." i stood up and opened the door and went to school.

It has been a while since Hajime and i stopped going to school together. We dont even talk that much as we used to before, he is not trying anymore.

As i looked at my feet a flashback run through my mind. Hajime yelling at me.

"No! She is just causing troubles for everyone!"

I felt my eyes filling with tears.

Heh~ he is right. Im just causing troubles.

I rubbed my eyes and put on a hood.

It would be the best if i wasnt around. If i wasnt alive.

After some time walking i reached the school. I tried to not make and physical contact with anyone as my whole body hurt as hell from all the crying and not sleeping. I went to my classroom and sat down, head on my desk.

Im so fucking tired from everything. I really cant take it anymore.

I turned my head and immediately made an eye contact with him, yellow boy.

I was avoiding him for whole three days. I cant face him, not after the dettention. Honestly, i was so scared to talk to him for past three days.

What would he say to me? That he lied and he actually doesnt want to help me at all, that he thinks im crazy, ugly, disguasting....

This was repeating in my head, when i noticed him standing up and walking towards my classroom. I went pale, i couldnt move at that moment, i couldnt run away. I felt like i was glued to the chair. I watched his every step and when he almost made it to my desk the teacher came in.

"Good morning everyone. Please settle down." My teacher said as he was walking to the main desk. He sat down and looked at my direction, i looked back at him trying to process what does he want. I didnt notice at all a huge, dark figure next to my desk.
"Um... Im sorry, but i think you have the wrong class young man." i looked besides me and saw the yellow boy few inches away from my face. I jumped a bit and he just put the little rolled paper on my desk and left.
"Hm... Well that was a little bit weird." my teacher said as he opened his book. "Anyway lets start a lesson."

The lesson was going on and on but i couldnt pay any attention to it. I was frozen. My eyes were glued to that rolled piece of paper. I was too afraid to unrolled it, my heands werent able to move at all.

"Umm.. Iwaizumi-chan? A-are you alright?" The voice came from besides me. The redhead girl. "Y-you are really p-pale." I just looked at her and said in cold and shaking voice. "I-Its non of your b-bussines."

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