The past

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(this is when you and dream used to date. you and dream are currently broken up this is just a flash back)
"Clay stop I can't breathe." You laugh with Dream over something dumb.
"Hey, it's funny." Dream laughs. You are at the forest behind this one house in between your and Dream's house and you guys have found a lake. It has a cliff. You and Dream are now on sitting on the edge on top of cliff, talking.
"Clay, if you dare. I swear-" Dream pushes you off the cliff into the water.
"YEAA" Dream shouts as he pushes you down into the water. Water splashes and you swim up for air.
"FUCK YOU PISSBABY" You yell at Dream.
"Well... what did you expect?" Dream says. You start laughing again and swim to shore. Dream walked over to you helping you get on shore.
"Still hate you." You reach for Dream's hand.
"I love you too." Dream says.
You start to turn red and hide your face by looking down at the ground.
"God I am so in love with you." Dream whispers into your ear.
You kiss him feeling so comforted. No worries in the world, just you, him, and the sun.
(Coming back to current time)
The alarm rings in your ear. You open your eyes and grab your phone. You turn off the alarm and look at your lock-screen. It's you and Dream. You stare at it and decide to get ready for the day. Ugh, why haven't I changed my lock-screen yet? You finish getting ready for the day and open your blinds. The sun beams into your eyes and you close your eyes from the brightness. You open your eyes again and continuing to open them. You go on twitch and decide to stream. While you play Minecraft you get a dono, "I love your streams! Also, what happened to Dream and you?" Your heart drops and you ignore the dono.
"BABE" your boyfriend comes into your room. He hugs you and gives you a forehead kiss.
"Yes?" You try to get him off you.
"I made breakfast, and are you ok? You seem off." He says.
"Nope, perfectly fine. I'll come down in a bit." You say. He leaves the room and you end stream. "Bye chat!" You say. You lay down on your bed and call Karl.
"Can I come over?" You hear yourself trembling.
"Sure! What's wrong?" Karl says.
"I'll tell you when I get to your house." You say. You look out for your boyfriend hoping he doesn't see you leave the house. You get in the car and drive to Karl's house. You park and walk into his house.
"Hi!" Karl says.
"Hey." You walk in budging Karl by the shoulders.
"What's wrong?" Karl says.
"I- I can't st-stop th-thinking about Dream." Your words come out.
"Uh look Y/N I want to help but..." Karl says.
"But what?" You feel upset. Why would he let you come over if you can't even stay for more than 10 seconds?
"Dream said he would come over to take a look at my p-" The door rings.

wasn't supposed to happen // dreamDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora