Chapter Twenty: Together

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Chapter Twenty


I couldn't believe what was happening. Because of that jerk that tripped me, I was out for the rest of Nationals. I went to the doctors after the game and they confirmed it was a sprain. That wasn't even the bad news. The bad news was that it won't be healed for at least four weeks. I couldn't compete at all.

Lakemoat did win that game, luckily taking the cheaters out of the tournament.

Melody walked out of the kitchen and to me with a glass of lemonade. She handed me the lemonade and sat down on my lap. "Thanks," I muttered.

"How are you feeling?" Melody asked.

"Horrible," I told her honestly. "My ankle hurts a lot and I won't be able to play any more games."

"I still can't believe that jerk got away with it," Melody said.

"At least they're no longer in Nationals," I said. "They definitely don't deserve to be."

"Did the refs think he tripped you on purpose?" Melody asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. A penalty was called and he had to sit out for the rest of the quarter, but it wasn't that long."

"They should have been disqualified right then and there," Melody said.

I took a sip of the lemonade and placed it on the table beside the couch. "Yeah, I doubt it. They've been playing dirty for the whole thing so far and I was the only one who got badly injured from it. Maybe if I was the third or fourth person to get injured by them."

"It's unfair," Melody said. "I can't believe you're out of Nationals."

I sighed. "I know. Between that and my hurting ankle, I am not in a good mood nor will I be for a while."

"You need some cheering up," Melody said.

"Tell me about it," I muttered. "I doubt that will happen, though."

"Is that a challenge?" Melody asked. "Because I'm pretty sure I'm qualified for cheering you up." She started trailing kisses down my neck, the contact giving me a warm feeling.

"That's not going to work, Melody," I told her.

"Mhm," Melody murmured as she continued kissing me.

"I'm serious," I said. "I don't care if you're kissing me. You're not going to cheer me up."

Melody stopped kissing my neck and looked into my eyes. "Would you stop being so grumpy?"

"You would too if you had to stop doing something because something else happened," I pointed out.

"You mean me not going to school because I'm pregnant?" Melody asked.

I sighed. "You're right, Mel. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry, Luke," Melody said. "It's not like I actually want to go to school. But still. You could still coach your team and help them win. It's not like you're off the team. You just can't play."

"You do have a point," I admitted.

"See?" Melody said. "You are grumpy over nothing. I know your ankle still hurts and you can't play, but don't be grumpy. You're spoiling my mood." She gave me a pout.

I rolled my eyes. "You just want to be kissed, don't you?"

"Yes," Melody said before pressing her lips gently against mine. She put her hands on my cheeks as she deepened the kiss. She pulled away, but kept her mouth close to mine. "Feeling better?"

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