Epilogue 2

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So I know I finished this story, but I forgot to post the first epilogue I was planning on doing and without it, one part of the spin-off kind of makes no sense for those of you reading it. So, here it is!

January 29th


I hate school. A lot. Everyone knew that I was going to be a dad all because of stupid Briggs. Honestly, it wasn't that bad, but there were a few people -mainly the basketball team- who teased me about it.

"So, Luke," Crystal said. Crystal, Evan, Laura, Eli, and I were sitting at a table in the school cafeteria for lunch. "Melody's due date was yesterday, right?"

"Yup," I said. "And I seriously can't wait for those babies to be born. Mel is just so emotional and it's really annoying."

"Aren't you nervous, though?" Evan asked. "I mean, you're going to be a first time dad to twins."

"Nervous?" I asked. "Hell yeah." I stabbed the salad on my tray and bit it just as my cell rang. I answered it without even seeing who it was. "Hello?'

"Luke," Melody said, sounding a bit distressed.

"Hey, Mel," I said. "You okay?"

"No," Melody said. "Your parents went out and I'm home alone and I-I don't know want to do."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"My water broke," Melody said.

As soon as she said that, I grabbed my backpack and ran out the school doors, not even telling the school office that I was leaving. I didn't have anytime. My son and daughter were on their way.

I got into my truck and quickly pulled out of the parking lot. I didn't exactly speed while getting home, but I didn't drive slow.

When I got to my house, I climbed out of my truck and hurried to my house. Melody was by the front door with her bag she packed for the hospital.

"Should you be in school?" Melody asked me.

"I'm not missing my children's birth," I told her. "Come on."

Melody followed out the door and climbed into my truck, with some struggle of course. I drove quickly to the hospital while Melody kept taking deep breaths.

We got to the hospital and got a room fairly quick. Now, we were just waiting for the babies to be born.

The doctor in charge, Dr. Breen, walked in. "How is everything going?" she asked.

"Good," I replied. Melody couldn't talk because she had to focus on her breathing.

"Alright," Dr. Breen said.

After what seemed like hours, even though it was just one, Melody was ready to give birth. I held her hand the whole time, though she was squeezing it like crazy.

When the first twin was born, Dr. Breen announced it was a boy, but then she quickly handed him off to a nurse. And she looked a bit worried.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Breathing problems," Dr. Breen said. "But don't worry. The nurses will take care of him. We've done it before."

"Will he be fine?" I asked.

Dr. Breen nodded. "We don't know how serious it is yet, but no matter what, we have it under control."

It took five more minutes for the other twin to be born, the girl twin. She didn't have a breathing problem, luckily. I just hoped our son was okay.

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