Chapter Fourteen: Harsh Much?

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Chapter Fourteen


Tomorrow was the very first day of Nationals and my team was one of the first two in the very first game. That was a lot of pressure, especially since Melody hasn't talked to me since she sort of yelled at me two days ago. I didn't know why she was ignoring me, but my focus was off in basketball once again.

"I can't believe you actually showed," Briggs said to me. Once again, there was yet another party for Nationals, but this one was a kick-off party.

"Well, what else is there to do?" I asked.

"Hang out with your girlfriend?" Briggs asked. "You know, like you haven't done in the past two days."

"Melody will come around," Matt said, who was standing beside Briggs. "She's just going through extreme mood swings and she is getting on everyone's nerves."

"Still," I muttered. "She could at least talk to me........" I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. "I'm going to get something to drink." I walked over to the food and beverage table and where the cooler was. Once again, there were alcoholic drinks, which made me roll my eyes. Last time, the chaperones didn't even notice it at all.

"Looking for a non-alcoholic drink?" a familiar voice said. I looked up and saw the girl I met at the last party, Tammy.

I nodded and continued digging through the cooler. I came up with just plain water, which was better than anything else.

"Still a non-drinker?" she asked. "Come on, it's the kick-off party. Loose up a bit."

I raised an eyebrow. "And go into a hangover tomorrow morning when my team is in the first game. No thanks."

"Understandable," she said. "Losing on the first day will be a huge dissapointment."

"Yup," I said. "And if I lose one game, my team will hate me even more."

"Why would they hate you?" Tammy asked.

"Oh, long story," I said. "It seems as if everything I do gets them angry."

"Even pushing a girl in the pool last week?" she asked with a smile.

Of course someone had to bring it up. "I didn't push her, I bumped into her," I objected. "And it wasn't the only time I did that to her."

Tammy raised an eyebrow. "So you knew that girl?"

"Oh, really well," I said. "In fact, I know her so well that she couldn't stay mad a me. She's my girlfriend."

Tammy didn't reply. She just walked off, which made me very confused. I just shook my head and turned to walk away, only to bump into someone and spill my opened water bottle on them. And it just so happened to be Melody.

"I am so sorry, Mel!" I said.

"I guess I can't be at a single party without you getting me wet," she said.

I took off my sweater and gave it to her. "Here," I said. "You'll probably get cold."

Melody took the sweater from my hands and put it on. "Thanks," she said. "I kind of feel as if my belly is starting to show........"

"I doubt it," I said. "You're only a month."

Melody nodded, then sighed. "Luke, I'm sorry for yelling at you two days ago. It's just........So much is going through my mind right now. I'm always so tired, I feel sick all the time, most foods make me sick.......I find it so hard to get through the day."

"It's okay, Mel," I said. "Matt said you're having extreme mood swings."

"It's not just the mood swings," Melody said. "All the pregnancy symptoms have been more extreme than usual."

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