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I groaned as I walked into the kitchen and saw nobody there. I could have sworn I heard giggling there......

I sighed and walked out of the kitchen, seeing one person that could help me. I walked to the couch and knelt down beside it. "Luke," I said quietly so I wouldn't wake the. He stirred a bit before opening his eyes.

"What?" he asked groggily.

"Please help," I said. "Our family is going to be here soon and I can't find the twins."

"I'm busy," he muttered, closing his eyes again.

"Sleeping?" I asked.

He opened his eyes and glared at me. "No. Tyler was having a hard time falling asleep, so I'm showing him how to do it."

I gave him my ever-so famous puppy-dog pout. "Please?"

Luke sighed. "Alright. Here, take Tyler." I carefully took the sleeping eight-month old baby out of his hands. Tyler stirred a bit, but stayed asleep.

Luke stood up from the couch just as the three year old girl I was trying to find earlier ran through the living room. Luke, however, was quick enough to catch her and pick her up. "Thought you were fast, huh Massy?"

Massy giggled. "I was like lightning! Mommy couldn't catch me!"

I sighed. This happened basically everyday. "Massy, where's your brother?" Massy pointed to Tyler. "No, your other brother."

Massy shruggedm "I dunno. I think he's in the bathroom. Or bedroom. Or outside. Or........"

"Massy," Luke warned. "Where's Jeremy?"

Massy pointed to the art room, causing mine and Luke's eyes to widen. A three year old and paint do not mix well. Luke put Massy down and hurried to the art room with me following as fast as I could with a baby in my arms.

Jeremy was there, drawing on his small table. A blank canvas that I was planning to use was right beside him. Well, at least the canvas was blank. But now, it had the most beautiful painting of a sunset I have ever seen.

"Woah," Luke said. "Mel, did you paint that?"

"No," I said. That was when I noticed paint all over Jeremy's hands. And the color matched the color of the sunset.

Luke took Tyler from me so I could talk to Jeremy. I walked towards my son and knelt down beside him. "Jeremy, did you paint this?" I asked, gesturing towards the painting.

Jeremy looked at the painting, then nodded. He then went back to coloring.

"Luke," I said. "I think we have a prodigy on our hands."

"He's only three," Luke said. "How is it possible?"

Suddenly, Jeremy broke into a wide smile. He tugged on my wrist and pointed to the big eight on the paper. Then, he pointed to two groups of building blocks in front if him. Each group had four, making eight in total.

Luke was by my side at the time. "Mel, I don't think he's just a prodigy. He might be a genius."

"That's basic math, though," I pointed out.

"Jeremy," Luke said. "Can you do six minus two times two?"

Jeremy nodded and took away all but two building blocks.

"See?" I said.

Luke, however, shook his head. "No, that's right. PEMDAS."

"What?" I asked.

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