Chapter Nineteen: Out for a While

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Chapter Nineteen


I tilted my head to the side as I stared at the painting in front of me. This was the piece I was submitting for the art show, and the deadline was in five days. I thought I finished it, but.......

Luke walked into the living room, carrying a bowl filled with grapes. "What are you up to, Mel?" he asked.

"I'm trying to finish my painting for the art show," I told him. "But......I don't know. It just doesn't seem right."

Luke walked over to me and looked at the painting. "What are you talking about?" he asked. "It's amazing!"

"But it's not finished," I told him.

"It looks finished," Luke said. "You finished painting, didn't you?"

"Well, yeah," I admitted, "but like I said, it just doesn't feel right. As if something's missing."

Luke tilted his head like I did as he continued eating his grapes and staring at the painting. "What exactly is missing?" he asked. "It looks finished to me."

"I know," I agreed. "It looks finished, but it doesn't feel finished."

"Which makes no sense whatsoever," Luke said. "Mel, it's fine, okay? Stop stressing over it. I have another game today. Do you want to come watch to clear your mind?"

"Sure," I said with a sigh. I needed to clear my mind. I didn't know why I couldn't complete my painting. It just felt so unfinished, even though it looked finished. I hated it.

"Okay, let's go," Luke said. I nodded and put my paintbrush down as Luke put his bowl in the kitchen. Luke had to be at the game early, so I didn't mind going to watch them practice for a bit. My mind has been extremely occupied lately and I needed some way to clear it. Maybe watching Luke's game would help.

When we got to the gym, I sat down on the front row of the bleachers. Luke sat down beside me, since he didn't have to practice yet. He still had to wait for the rest of his team to come.

"So what team are you guys playing against today?" I asked Luke.

"Watson High," Luke replied. "They're the most aggressive team in Nationals. For some reason, every team that played against them had at least one injury. The refs always count it as a penalty, but they never think more of it."

"Well, I think you'll do great," I said. "You always do, which is way you're the captain."

"I know," Luke said. "That and because of my incredibly good looks."

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure that isn't a reason you're the captain."

"Well, I'm still good-looking and I'm the captain," Luke pointed out.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, whatever."

"Luke!" Matt called from Lakemoat's bench. "The game is starting soon! We need you here!"

"Coming!" Luke called back. He turned to me. "Well, I'll see you after the game." He kissed my cheek before going to his team.

About ten minutes later, the game started. And I knew exactly what Luke meant by aggressive. They were always pushing and shoving the other team and the refs weren't even noticing.

During the third period, it was hard to tell who was going to win. Both Lakemoat and Watson had the same amount of points and it was hard for both teams to score. They were really good.

Suddenly, someone on the Watson team purposely tripped Luke when he had the ball. The Watson High player stuck his foot out and tripped Luke, causing the crowd to gasp as Luke fell to the ground. One of the refs blew the whistle, stopping the game. Matt rushed over to Luke and helped him up. Matt asked Luke a question, who shook his head in reply. Matt then helped Luke walked over to the bench. And Luke was limping.

I got off the bleachers and hurried over to Luke. "Luke, are you okay?!"

Luke was holding his ankle as he shook his head. "No. That jerk tripped me on purpose."

"I think your ankle is sprained," Matt said. "If it may be out for the rest of Nationals."

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