Chapter Six: Obvious Lies

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Chapter Six


"Hey, Luke," Briggs said once I walked into the hotel room. "How's it going?" He and the basketball team, excluding Matt, were all standing by the door as if they were waiting for me.

"Good?" I said, a bit confused. "Have you seen my laptop anywhere?" I began looking around the kitchen, where I last had my laptop.

Briggs didn't even answer my question. Instead, he said, "Oh, so you're doing good."

"Uh, that's what I just said......"

"Well, it's just that I don't really want to put you in a bad mood," Briggs said. "But it would be best for you to know."

"Know what?" I asked, giving up on finding my laptop. Instead, I grabbed a can of Pepsi from the fridge and leaned against one of the counters.

"It isn't my position to say," Briggs said, "but you might want to keep a closer eye on your girlfriend."

I took a long sip out of the soda, my eyebrows raised. So Briggs was actually trying to break Melody and I up. "Exactly why should I?" I asked, placing the soda can on the counter

"Well, it's just someone told me that your girlfriend slept with someone on the other team last night after the party," Briggs lied, and a bit obvious one too.

I scoffed. "Melody? That's odd because after the party, the two of us went to her hotel room and watched a few movies last night, which is why I came back here so late. Nice try, but you guys should check your facts before you lie straight to my face. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find my laptop, then go to Melody's hotel room."

I walked passed them, luckily finding my laptop sitting on the coffee table. I grabbed it, then walked out of the hotel room and straight across the hall.

I knocked on the door and Melody quickly answered. "What's up?"

"Wanna help with some more father research?" I asked. "I'm not really in the mood to stay with my stupid teammates."

Melody opened the door wider, allowing me to come in. "What did they do?"

"Oh, nothing," I said, closing the door behind me. "Except that Briggs so obviously lied to me in a very lame attempt to break us up." I scoffed and set my laptop on the dining table. I've been to Melody's hotel room a lot so I knew where basically everything was.

Melody sat down beside me. "What did he say?"

"That last night after the party, you slept with someone on another team," I said.

"He said what?!"

"I know. He obviously doesn't know how to lie," I said. "First off, I know you would never do that. Second, I was with you all night."

"What did you tell him?" Melody asked.

"To check his facts before he lies to my face," I replied. "Well, I'm happy Matt told us about what everyone'e doing or I would have been very confused. I definitely wouldn't have believed him, but I still would have been confused."

Melody shook her head. "So, any luck finding your dad?"

"No," I said with a sigh. "He's not on my mom's friend list and I can't find him at all."

"Maybe he doesn't have an account," Melody said. "Try Googling him."

"Tried that," I said. "No luck."

"Then why are you trying to research him on the laptop?" Melody asked. "If anything, your birth dad still lives in Vermont, so we can't do anything while we're here in Miami."

I sighed. "I know. I just......I need to find him so I could actually concentrate during Nationals. It starts in less than a week and I'm not doing any better."

"Luke, you need a break," Melody said, grabbing my hands and pulling me up from my seat. "We're in Miami. Let's go walk around instead of staying locked up in this hotel."

"But......" I began, but Melody interrupted.

"Please, Luke," she said. "I don't want you to put too much stress on yourself. Especially before Nationals." She then gave me the big eyes and pouty lips that I couldn't say no to.

"I hate that look," I muttered. "Alright, fine! I'll go for a walk!"

"Thank you!" Melody said, giving me a kiss on my cheek.

She was about the turn around, but I pulled her towards me until our bodies were oressed together. "Is that all I get?" I asked.

Melody rolled her eyes before pressing her lips softly against mine. She tried pulling away, but I wouldn't let her. "Not yet," I murmured against her lips.

Somehow, that girl was able to pull away. "You're something special, Cosgrove."

I took a mock-bow, which caused Melody to giggle. "Why thank you, M&M. Now how's about that walk?" I put my arm around he shoulder and we walked out the hotel room. As soon as Melody locked the door, the Robinson High team walked over to us.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing," Kade said. "We just wanted to tell your girlfriend about your little affair."

I raised my eyebrow. Was that the only excuse the basketball teams were going to us to break us up? "What affair?" Melody asked. I could tell that she, of course, didn't believe them.

"Well, I heard that Luke had a little bit too much fun with a girl last night after the party," Kade said with a smirk.

"Yeah, that was me," Melody said, which made me snort. "We had so much fun last night in my hotel room. The movies we were watching just weren't interesting enough."

Kade glared at us before the basketball team walked passed us to go to their hotel room.

"Wow, Mel," I said. "Nice job lying to their face."

"I didn't lie," Melody said. "Okay, maybe we didn't do the thing Kade was talking about, but the movies we watched were boring so we had fun."

"Fun?" I asked. "You call you complaining that you're tired but not wanting to go to bed fun?"

Melody nodded. "It seemed to irritate you so it was very fun."

"You're a very unique girl, Melody," I said, wrapping my arm around her again. "Now let's go on the walk."

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