Chapter Five

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As I tell this story, it's easy for me to realize certain things. It's also painful to retell this. When you've kept something buried so deeply for so long, you just go numb to it. But when you start thinking about it or talking about it or in my case, writing it, it brings a lot of the pain and sorrow that you felt back. Just now as I write this I cry. Of course, you, the reader, wouldn't be crying, and that's because you don't know the full story. I can't tell you why I'm crying because it will give everything away.

Just know this is very difficult for me.

OK, I'm done with the little author's note. Now back to the story.


"The police questioned me today," Yuto said to me when he walked into my dorm.

"Really?!" I exclaimed. He sat down on the edge of Fiona's old bed, which was becoming more and more of his own, and I sat next to him, eyes wide. "Why you?!"

"They were just going through the class," Yuto replied.

"Did you say anything?" I asked him.

"Not about Kino, if that's what you mean," he said. "They asked if I'd heard rumors floating around school and I said I heard they were strangled to death, and that's about it."

"And have you heard that?" I asked him. "I mean, from someone besides Kino?"

"No," Yuto admitted. I blew through my lips and ran my hands through my hair.

"Now you look suspicious!" I exclaimed.

"You think so?" Yuto asked, eyes wide.

"Well if there aren't rumors of that, then YEAH, it looks suspicious!"

"I-I mean, I wasn't lying. I did hear they were strangled."

"Did they ask who you got it from?" I asked him, growing more nervous.

"Yes, and I said I didn't remember. I overheard some people talking about it," Yuto answered.

"Oh God Yuto..." I said, putting my head in my hands.

"W-What? I didn't mean to do anything!"

"You haven't really done much," I reassured him. "You just might look suspicious to the police now, depending on what everyone else has said."

"I didn't do anything though, so I have nothing to worry about," Yuto said. I took a deep breath.

"I hope not."

"I'm not going to get in trouble," Yuto said.

"Again, I hope not."

I was nervous the rest of the night.

The following day, it was very tense on campus. It seemed like another death was due, and everyone was scared and weary of each other. The police questioned people more on the girls personally, asking who they were friends with, would anyone want to hurt them, things like that. During this time Shinwon and Wooseok were questioned, but neither revealed anything about Kino.

That night I was hanging out with Yuto in my dorm. We had made popcorn and were watching a movie. I was supposed to be having a date with Kino, but he was too swamped with homework. About halfway through the movie I got a phone call from Jinho.

It was happening again.

I cursed.

"OK, get paper and a pencil or pen or something. Try and get him to write any details down!" Yuto said.

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