Pepper Potts gets captured by the Enchantress

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Pepper Potts made by jettmanas

(After a day of work at Stark Industries, Pepper Potts drives to her house)

Pepper: That was a very long day.

(As Pepper arrives at home, she parks her car, and walks inside after locking her door, she saw Amora the Enchantress, standing near her living room table)

Enchantress: Greetings Miss Potts, how nice to meet you.

Pepper: Who are you?

Enchantress: Amora the Enchantress! I'm from the same place as Thor. Asgard.

Pepper: I've heard of you, you use magic to control the Hulk.

Enchantress: Indeed.

(Enchantress uses her magic to forces Pepper to sat down in a chair and creates a mystical ring that binds her to the chair)

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Pepper: Huh?

(Pepper looks at the green ring that's around her and tries her best to struggle)

Pepper: I can't move!

Enchantress: There's no use to escape Miss Potts, that ring paralyzes her and prevents you from moving.

Pepper: (grunts) Let me go!

(Pepper continues to struggle against the bonds that hold her to the chair)

Enchantress: Sorry to say, but no!

(The Enchantress laughs while Pepper gives the wicked Asgardian sorceress a glare)

Pepper: What do you want?

Enchantress: Zemo wants something out of Stark's vault and you're the only one Iron Man would trust to know the codes.

Pepper: I'll never tell you.

(Enchantress grabs Peppers head as her eyes glow green, causing Pepper to groan in pain)

Pepper: (groans) No! No!

(Enchantress lets go of Pepper's head with a smirk on her face)

Enchantress: I got what I want.

(Enchantress snaps her fingers, releases Pepper from her magical bond)

Pepper: I'll tell Tony about this.

Enchantress: I don't care, do as you want. I have the codes.

Pepper: The Avengers will stop you.

Enchantress: Kneel before me mortal.

Pepper: No.

Enchantress: I wasn't asking for your permission.

(Enchantress uses her magic to force Pepper on her knees.

Enchantress: We Asgardians are gods to you mortal, you should bow to us.

(Pepper looks up to her captor with a glare)

Pepper: (grunts) You won't get away with this!

Enchantress: Soon the Avengers will be gone and Midgard will belong of the Masters of Evil.

(The Enchantress disappears and Pepper is released from her magic hold as she gets back on her feet)

Pepper: Why do I always get captured by a supervillain?

(Pepper pulls out her Avengers ID card)

Pepper: Better get Tony.

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