Terror of Titanosaurus

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(Alina Deleon is doing a news report)

Alina: This is Alina Deleon here to report the latest news, Manhattan is under attacked by the giant monster known as Titanosaurus. S.H.I.E.L.D. and Avalon are at the scene, combating the kaiju or helping out with the evacuation.

(Meanwhile, TItanosaurus is battling against S.H.I.E.L.D. and Avalon as many agents are firing their weapons at the aquatic dinosaur, but he wasn't flinching as he's able to withstand most of the attacks. Titanosaurus spot two S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter jets approaching him as he uses his ability to leap to the path of the fighter jets, causing them to fly into him and explode on impact. Luckily, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents piloting the jets ejected. Later, the Avengers arrive to the scene)

Hawkeye: Why is it that another giant monster attacks the city?

Wasp: Bet you wanna smash that dinosaur, don't you Hulk?

Hulk: (smirks and cracks his knuckles) Yep.

Iron Man: Avengers Assem...........

(Suddenly, a magic barrier forms around the Avengers, trapping them)

Iron Man: What the?

Wasp: We're trapped.

(Hulk tries punching the barrier, only to get shocked and falls to the ground)

Thor: This is the work of the Enchantress.

(Moments later, the Enchantress walks out of the shadows as she opens a portal, bringing the rest of the Masters of Evil)

Iron Man: The Masters of Evil, I should've known.

Black Panther: It would appear they're the reason why that monster is attacking the city.

Baron Zemo: That's right, this creature will destroy the whole city.

Ant Man: Zemo, stop this!

Baron Zemo: Not a chance, I could command Amora to release Titanosaurus from her control if the Avengers surrender to me.

(Later in the city, Titanosaurus is swinging his tail, creating winds to blow away buildings and vehicles, the Fantastic Four, the Blight Force, Mary and Rachel are protecting the bystanders from any falling debris. As Titanosaurus continues his rampage, a green lights shines behind him, getting the giant aquatic dinosaur's attention as he turns around, seeing Max transformed as Spiral)

Background music:

(Flashes of light emit around Spiral as he roars at Titanosaurus, who roars back

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(Flashes of light emit around Spiral as he roars at Titanosaurus, who roars back. Spiral bashes his fists, declaring a challenge as he and Titanosaurus battle each other with a number of punches, kicks and headbutts. Titanosaurus turns around and swings his fan tail, creating winds strong enough to knock Spiral off his feet. Moments later, Titanosaurus approaches Spiral, grabs his tail and lifts the 20-000 ton kaiju off the ground as he swings Spiral and throws him to across the street, leaving a runt, right near the Avengers and the Masters of Evil. 

Abomination: Even that shapeshifting creature kid is no match.

Baron Zemo: This is a key to victory for us.

(Meanwhile, the Avengers are trying to break the energy dome)

Enchantress: It's pointless Avengers, the dome is unbreakable.

Wasp: Thor, can you.......

Thor: Nah, my hammer can't break it.

Enchantress: It's pointless Avengers, the dome is unbreakable.

(As Spiral gets get on his feet, he glares at the Masters of Evil and swings his tail at the Masters of Evil, knocking them to the ground as the Enchantress is briefly unconscious while the energy dome fades away, freeing the Avengers. The Masters of Evil get back on their feet and are shock to see the Avengers freed as well as Titanosaurus being freed from the Enchantress' spell)

Enchantress: No.

Iron Man: Avengers Assemble!

(The Avengers charge at the Masters of Evil as the supervillain team surges towards the heroes and both teams battle against each other. Meanwhile, Titanosaurus charges at Spiral, who turns around and swings his tail, striking Titanosaurus by his legs, knocking the aquatic dinosaur to the ground. Spiral laughs as Titanosaurus gets back on his feet, getting ready to fight again. Spiral roars as he and Titanosaurus charge at each other. entering a brawler lock. Eventually, Spiral grabs Titanosaurus by the waist and fires his energy beam to fly, aiming it at the ground and lifting off like a rocket, carrying Titanosaurus as he flies out of the city, shocking everyone)

Mary: Oh my gosh!

(Spiral flies straight out of the city, flying pass the Statue of Liberty as he and Titanosaurus fell into the water. Afterwards, both kaiju rise from the ocean, roaring as Titanosaurus turns around and leaves, dives into the ocean and swims away from the city. Spiral roars in victory. Meanwhile, the Avengers are still fighting against the Masters of Evil)

Captain America: Give up Zemo, it's over!

Baron Zemo: Never!

(Baron Zemo attempts to strike Captain America with his sword, only to get blocked by Cap's shield. Hulk and Abomination are locked in a brawler lock)

Abomination: Hey, where did that dinosaur go?

Hulk: Looks like he quit.

(Hulk punches Abomination in the face while Hawkeye, Giant Man and Black Panther are fighting Crimson Dynamo as Iron Man and Wasp are fighting against Wonder Man, and Thor battling Executioner)

Baron Zemo: Enchantress, time to leave.

(Enchantress teleports herself and the rest of the Masters of Evil back to their lair)

Iron Man: They're gone.

Captain America: They'll be back.

Giant-Man: What about Titanosaurus?

(Giant footsteps are heard as the Avengers see Spiral approaching them)

Wasp: Call it a hunch, but I.............

Hawkeye: Yeah, we know.

(Spiral transforms back into Max)

Thor: What happened to the creature?

Max: Titanosaurus swam into the Pacific Ocean and will mostly likely return to him home. What were you guys doing?

Iron Man: Uh, fighting the Masters of Evil.

Max: Oh.

Wasp: Uh, where your mother?

Max: She's expecting.

(Wasp is shocked)

Wasp: Uh, well congrats.

Max: Thanks.

Iron Man: Let's get the city cleaned up Avengers.

Hulk: (sarcastically) Sounds fun.

Wasp: Let's just hope another monster doesn't appear.

(Max helps the Blight Force and the Avengers clean up the damage. Later, somewhere at the center of the Earth, a giant egg is seen moving and starts to crack)

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