Godzilla vs. Gigan

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(Godzilla roars at Gigan, who roars back as everyone watches)

Anna: Oh my gosh, it's a space monster!

Theodore: It's going to fight Godzilla.

(At the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, Fury and Maria are watching the footage from Tokyo)

Fury: Another giant monster attack in Tokyo.

(Godzilla charges his atomic breath at Gigan, who blocks the blast with his hammerclaws and fires a laser beam from his forehead, directly at Godzilla. Moments later, he charges at Godzilla and manages to slash him across the face, leaving a scar on his eye, causing everyone to flinch. Feeling enraged, Godzilla roars in anger while evading more of Gigan's slashes and landed a punch to Gigan's face, damaging the laser aperture. Gigan attempts to charge another beam, but the device merely sparks. Gigan let out a series of panic shrieks and angrily charges at Godzilla, activating his chest-mounted buzzsaw. Afterwards, Gigan charges at Godzilla, but the area starts to shake as Anguirus emerges from the ground, tight behind Gigan, roaring)

 Afterwards, Gigan charges at Godzilla, but the area starts to shake as Anguirus emerges from the ground, tight behind Gigan, roaring)

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Anna: It's Anguirus!

(Anguirus roars, curls into a ball, rolls towards Gigan and knocks him down from the side when the latter turns around. Eventually, Godzilla marches towards Gigan, grabs his tail and repeatedly slams him to the ground. Afterwards, Godzilla throws his nemesis into Tokyo Bay as Gigan flies out of the water and retreats back to space. Godzilla and Anguirus roar in victory when S.H.I.E.L.D. Quinjets surround them)

Quartermain: Director Fury, we got the hostiles surrounded, should we fire the missiles?

Fury: We need to get Godzilla and the other monster out of the city without causing more destruction if they are provoked.

Theodore: Fire the gas bombs.

(The Avalon jets are shooting bombs at Godzilla and Anguirus, releasing a white gas to sedate the two dinosaur kaiju as they collapse to the ground, unconscious)

Theodore: Perfect.

(Nick Fury arrives with Maria to Theodore's location)

Fury: So you knockout the monsters, what happens now?

Theodore: We're taking Godzilla and Anguirus to Monster Island.

Maria: And how are you going to do that?

(Suddenly, a red light appears as Ultraman lands in Tokyo)

(Suddenly, a red light appears as Ultraman lands in Tokyo)

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Anna: It's Ultraman.

Maria: Ultraman?

(Another red light appears, revealed to be Ultraman Jack)

(Another red light appears, revealed to be Ultraman Jack)

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Anna: Ultraman Jack.

(The Quinjets surround the Ultras)

Quartermain: Director Fury, we got the two mysterious giants surrounded. Ready to attack.

Theodore: Tell your agents to stand down Fury, they're not here to attack.

(Ultraman and Ultraman Jack use telekinesis to lift Godzilla and Anguirus into the air, carrying them away from Tokyo)

Maria: Where are they taking the two monsters?

(Anna looks at a device to tell her where the Ultras are taking Godzilla and Anguirus)

Anna: The directions they're heading goes straight to Monster Island. We really need to create a force field around that island.

(Later in Time Square, Alina is making a new report when the Avengers had cleaning up the wreckage of some robots)

Alina: The space monster Gigan has retreat back into space after its defeat by Godzilla and Anguirus, whom were taken to Monster Island by two giant alien beings.

Captain America: Giant monsters attacking Japan?

Iron Man: Yeah, it's been happening for years since 1954.

Wasp: A giant monster attack in Tokyo and we missed it, I wanted to fight Godzilla.

Ant-Man: He would've eat you.

(Wasp looks annoyed and glares at Ant-Man)

Hulk: (scoffs) Always wanted to fight that big lizard.

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