The Wrath of Titanosaurus

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(Somewhere near Okinawa, a Japanese cruise ship is currently moving while the passengers are having a nice time, playing limbo, swimming in the pool or shuffle boarding. It was peaceful until something is happening underwater, getting everyone's attention)

Unnamed woman: What is that?

(Moments later, the water started bubbling as the giant aquatic dinosaur called Titanosaurus emerges from the water, roaring)

(Moments later, the water started bubbling as the giant aquatic dinosaur called Titanosaurus emerges from the water, roaring)

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Unnamed man: Kaiju!

(The passengers scream as they see Titanosaurus whole some are taking pictures from their phones or recording. Titanosaurus stares at the cruise ship for a moment and dives back. Meanwhile at the Daily Bugle, Robbie Robertson enters J. Jonah Jameson)

 Robbie: Jonah, another monster has appeared. Source claimed it to be a dinosaur.

Jonah: A dinosaur? Why is it when these giant monster appear all over the world?!

(Later in Time Square, the Daily Bugle sold millions of papers)

Paper boy: Extra, extra! Giant dinosaur sighted near Okinawa!

(Meanwhile at Avengers Mansion, Wasp is in the living room, watching the news)

Alina: Just earlier today, a giant aquatic creature has been sighted near Okinawa by passengers on a cruise ship. The monster has been identified as the giant aquatic dinosaur, Titanosaurus.

Wasp: Seriously?

(Later at the base of Arnim Zola, the supervillain team are watching the news about Titanosaurus)

Arnim Zola: Titanosaurus, a very unique creature. It can create powerful wings or whirlwinds by swinging his fin tail.

Abomination: So what, it's just a dinosaur.

(Arnim Zola pulls out footage of Titanosaurus attacking Tokyo, jumping into the air, destroying two fighter jets, resisting attacks by the JSDF and using his fan tail to create winds, nearly decimating half of the city)

Baron Zemo: Incredible, if only there was a way to bring this Titanosaurus to cause destruction to New York.

(Enchantress smirks and the scene cuts to Titanosaurus sleeping sleeping at the bottom of the ocean when he suddenly wakes up with green in his eyes, indicating that he's fallen under the control of the Enchantress as he swims to Manhattan. Later at Zola's base)

Enchantress: I was able to take control of the creature's mind, it's heading for New York.

Baron Zemo: Excellent.

(The next day at the New York City Harbor, ships were moving across the waterways when something under the water is swimming towards New York Bay. Eventually, Titanosaurus emerges from the water, roars and walks into land, terrifying any nearby bystanders)

Unnamed man: Monster!

(Titanosaurus lets out a roar as he makes his way into the city)

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