Spore Monsters All-Out Attack

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(The scene starts off in space when a S.H.I.E.L.D. satellite detects something that heading towards the planet. Meanwhile on Earth, the Helicarrier is currently flying above New York, inside were a bunch of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are in the command center, watched by Nick Fury and his second in command, Maria Hill)

Fury: Report.

Maria: All sectors have been cleared lately, despite having to stop a few robberies and break ins.

Fury: New York has gotten quiet since the Kang invasion.

Maria: Indeed.

(One of the monitors beeps)

Unnamed agent: Director Fury, the satellite has detected two objects approaching Earth and the scanners have also detected three life signs from the objects as well.

Fury: (sighs) Just what I need, another alien invasion.

(Later in Central Park, people are having a nice time, feeding birds, having picnics and riding their bicycles when they see notice that something huge in the clouds)

Unnamed man: What's happening?

(Suddenly, the two objects, revealed to be Spores are slowly making their way to Central Park as the people ran for their lives)

Unnamed woman: Aliens!

(A police siren goes off)

Police officer: (holding a megaphone) Remain calm everyone! 

(The Spores are hovering Central Park, gazing at the humans, using their x-ray vision to see through their DNA cells as well as the cells of several animals and microorganisms. Eventually, the Spores land to the ground slowly and burrow underground, straight down to the fossils of a giant bird and a giant insect. Afterwards, the Spores fuse with the fossils and start glowing. Later on the surface, S.H.I.E.L.D. had arrive to investigate with Fury, Hills and Quarterman at the scene, seeing the holes dug by the Spores)

Fury: Those aliens have burrow underground, we need to dog those thing out.

Maria: Yes Director Fury.

Iron Man: (offscreen) Mind if we tag along?

(Fury, Maria and Quarterman see the Avengers approaching)

Maria: The Avengers.

Fury: What are you doing here Stark?

Iron Man: We're here to deal with the alien threat.

Fury: Don't you have some supervillains to go after?

Captain America:  We're at where we can help.

(Moments later, the Blight Force arrive)

King Blight: The Blight Force can handle this.

Fury: Look, we don't need this to be a convention for superheroes.

Queen Blight: We've delt with Spore Monsters before, we're staying.

(Suddenly, the area starts to shake as blue lights emit from the holes)

Ant-Man: What's happening?

Wasp: Is it an earthquake?

King Blight: It's the Spores, they're evolving or worse.

Hawkeye: Worse? What do you be worse?

King Blight: Terraforming planets and replicating DNA cells to evolve aren't the only powers the Spores can do. They can also revive the fossils of any extinct lifeform such as the prehistoric creatures of this planet like the dinosaurs. Some beings believe that the Spores can revive the dead.

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